

I started Hey Human® because I was concerned about all the “other-ing” taking place among my fellow humans. My hope is that when people hear an episode, even if it’s with someone they don’t agree with or feel a sameness-kinship with, they may still hear some part of themselves in the voice and story of my guest. The moment that happens, growth happens. Understanding happens. Communion happens…

Check out Susan talking about Hey Human® on Youtube:

Susan Ruth discusses Hey Human podcast (YouTube)


E1 Tad Davis is an American born expat living in Thailand and owner of The Bad Penny bar. He lives a chill life on the island of Ko Lanta and has had many interesting adventures across Asia. (July. 1, 2016)

E2 – Brooks Ingle is an American firefighter. He is also a paramedic. He fought fires in Indiana and is about to begin his career as a Nashville (TN) firefighter. (July. 1, 2016)

E3 – Katie is an American transgender woman living in the Pacific Northwest. She began her transition from male to female in 2016. (July. 7, 2016)

E4 – Ruby Amanfu is a Ghanaian-born, professional performing songwriter/artist. She’s a sister, daughter, immigrant, African American, activist, model, traveler, writer and on and on. (July. 14, 2016)

E5 – Tanya Sue hails from Nashville by way of Michigan. She’s been battling depression since the 3rd grade, and after one attempt at taking her own life, she found the help she needed. Her foundation, Dark City Light, will launch later in 2016. (July. 21, 2016)

E6 – Zach Skow is the founder of Marley’s Mutts a dog rescue (and humanitarian) foundation. Zach’s programs, Pawsitive Change Prison Program, Miracle Mutts, Barks and Books and 22 in 22 (bringing awareness to veteran suicide) have changed the lives of human and dog alike. (July. 28, 2016)

E7 – Hal Humphreys is a private investigator, He is the lead investigator at his company FIND Investigations. He is also a published writer and all around interesting guy. His facial hair absolutely rivals Magnum P.I.’s. (Aug. 4, 2016)

E8 – Mark Carson is a history professor and songwriter from New Orleans. He teaches both disciplines, however, his true love is history and he specializes in the Vietnam war. (Aug. 11, 2016)

E9 – “Jill” is a twenty-something escort living and working in New York. She shares her story of life, love and the pursuit of happiness. It’s a great conversation and I asked a TON of questions. (Aug. 18, 2016)

E10 – Karen Lynch was one of the first generation of female police officers serving in San Francisco. Her memoir Good Cop, Bad Daughter  was a can’t-put-down for me. From her childhood dealing with her bi-polar mother and traveling around the globe to her experience at the police academy where women were not exactly welcome in the force, to facing some major turning points of life, it’s definite page turner. (Aug. 25, 2016)

E11 – Andrew Arehart is an instructional Designer. His focus is to help people, primarily refugees and immigrants, as they navigate their new life in the United States. He helps them with employment, settlement and adaption.  (Sept. 01, 2016)

E12 – Adam Shelby was incarcerated for eight years. While in prison he excelled in educational courses and tutored other inmates. He went on a “talking fast” for a month, spent a year in isolation and he read and he read. Now that Adam is out, he’s attending college and studying to be a designer. He also lectures about what life is like for him now and what it was like when he was inside prison walls.  (Sept. 08, 2016)

E13 – Paul Fallon is a writer, architect, cyclist and yoga teacher. He’s riding his bike to every state in the contiguous U.S. to ask people the question; “What will we do tomorrow?” He spent years traveling back and forth to Haiti, where he helped to rebuild after the devastating earthquake. In the years that followed, he fell in love with the place and the people, writing a book about his experience, Architecture by Moonlight.  (Sept. 15, 2016)

E14 – William Puckett is a retired meteorologist whose fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial life has lead him down a path to be one of the leading UFO researchers in America.  (Sept. 22, 2016)

E15 – MadebyJimbob (Jimbob being his moniker) is one of my favorite cartoonist/satirists. His observational humor is biting, poignant, funny and thought provoking (sometimes even all at once!) and absolutely worth an Instagram follow. He’s working on a book of his cartoons and he’s also an extraordinary jeweler. (Sept. 29, 2016)

E17 – Elana Mugdan is a screenwriter, editor, film producer and novelist. Her new book, Dragon Speaker,  is the first of five in The Shadow War Saga books. The book is a fantastic, fun read and it’s evident in Elana’s writing that she grew up on a wonderful diet of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Her mini bio reads: “She is described by her friends and family as the ‘weirdest person I know,” and wears that weirdness proudly on her sleeve. She likes dragons, as is evidenced by [her] book, and hopes that the world of Allentria will bring as much joy to her readers as it does to her.” (Oct. 13, 2016)

E18 – Chris Gehringer is one of the best (multiple Grammy winning and multiple Grammy nominated) mastering engineers in the music business. For over thirty years he’s been mastering the likes of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, 50 Cent, Little Big Town, Naughty by Nature, Madonna, Nick Jonas along with even more of the biggest names in the industry, running the gamut of genres from Jazz to Rock to Rap and Pop and all the good stuff in between. (Oct. 20, 2016)

E19 – A. Pilot has come a long way. She grew up in a very strict religious household and community and was the victim of abuse from a young age. She fled her upbringing and discovered the world outside the insular one she was used to, but with that discovery came the pain of remembering her childhood trauma. Now, all grown up and an inspiring (and aspiring) writer, she channels a life of growth, discovery, pain and hope. (Oct. 27, 2016)

E20 – Dean Miller grew up in the madcap world of music, the son of world famous performer/songwriter Roger Miller. He’s navigated his own music career and is a well-respected and well-sought after dog trainer. Dean is a producer, songwriter, book writer, dog whisperer, and all around interesting dude! (Nov. 3, 2016)

E21 – Justin Levenson was sitting at his desk one minute and waking up on the floor, surrounded by co-workers and paramedics, the next. At the hospital he received the news that no one is ready to hear: Brain tumor. Justin’s story is an incredible one of diagnosis, journey, healing, faith, bliss and truth. (Nov. 10, 2016)

E22 – Rachel Kice is a painter and performance artist, known for her wild and colorful pieces. Her work is collected all over the world and hangs in the Tennessee State Museum, Warner Brothers, The Country Music Hall of Fame (and my house). She has collaborated with brands and organizations including: Warner Brothers, Harley Davidson, Chevy, Tedx, Hard Rock Cafe, The Grammy Foundation and Prilosec. Her work has been featured by media outlets including: CNN, ABC, CMT, MTV, GQ, People and a dozen more. (Nov. 17, 2016)

E23 – Michael Mollura (PhD, MA, MFA) is a depth psychologist who implements the Jungian style. He’s also a composer whose music can be heard on several documentaries and movies (including Nebraska, The Highest Pass, Climate Refugees and Awake). His adventure through life (and his patient’s dreams) is fascinating! (Nov. 24, 2016)

E24 – Geof Kirby is a successful podcaster and video game reviewer (NRDLY podcast) and has spent his life geeking out on Sci-fi, video games and all the things you might find at Comic-Con. He also grew up with severe depression, various daily meds and demon possession (which led to an exorcism). Loved having this conversation about life, religion, hope, loss, Spock and Carl Sagan. (Dec. 01, 2016)

E25 – Brock Hayhoe discovered dance by accident as a teenager (that’s already old in the world of dance) and those in the know discovered he had a natural talent. That talent would eventually gain him scholarships at prestigious dance schools and send Brock around the world as a principal ballet dancer. Still, he was drawn to try his hand at something different, and Brooke Lynn Hytes was born. Now, Brock performs internationally as the celebrated Drag Queen Brooke Lynn Hytes and even won Miss Continental – 2014. Brock’s life has been charmed, for sure, but he’s also worked incredibly hard to master his craft. I’ve seen Brooke Lynn Hytes in action and she is someone to behold! Brock and I had a great conversation about his life and goals and we also discussed dating, politics, religion and saying yes to flying, leaping off the cliff and building your wings as you go. (Dec. 08, 2016)

E26 – Nick Pellegrino is one of Nashville’s most beloved chefs and owner of Mangia (a focaccia/Italian restaurant in Nashville, TN). He’s also an accomplished songwriter, a trained classical guitarist, producer, artist, voiceover actor and he’s hilarious. (Dec. 15, 2016)

E27 – Cpl. Tyler Southern smiles a lot. His outlook is so positive it’s contagious. Yet, many would look at him and wonder how he found such happiness considering in May of 2010, while on his second Marine deployment in Afghanistan (Iraq was his first deployment), he stepped on an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). For the next thirteen days, Tyler fought for his life. And for two and half years he underwent 32 surgeries and rehabilitation. He lost both of his legs above the knee and his right arm above the elbow, but he never lost his spirit. His determination for rehabilitation and his love of life and family is an inspiration. (Dec. 22, 2016)

E28 – Jameson Fink is a senior editor for the enormously popular magazine Wine Enthusiast. Jameson is a two-time SAVEUR Blog Award finalist. He’s been a wine editor at Foodista, Grape Collective and He’s visited vineyards all over the world! He enjoys Champagne with popcorn and Skittles with Rosé! (Dec. 29, 2016)

E29 – Greg Vandy is a man of many talents. His new book, 26 Songs in 30 Days: Woody Guthrie’s Columbia River Songs and the Planned Promised Land in the Pacific Northwest (co-authored by Daniel Person) is on Seattle’s Easy Street Records’ list of the best music books of 2016 and he is the creator and curator of Seattle’s KEXP 90.3FM (arguably the nation’s best radio station) American music show,  The Roadhouse. His blog is called American Standard Time. He’s also a DJ, a dad and a heck of a great guy! (Jan. 5, 2017)

E30 – Richard Nichols’ people can be traced back to the early settlers of the United States. He grew up in the South, in Pulaski, Tennessee. Richard is a direct descendent of the original Klansmen, founders of the Ku Klux Klan, himself a Grand Dragon in their order. This episode is part one of a two part series on racism and white separateness in the US. Warning: This episode contains mature language and content. (Jan. 12, 2017)

E31 – Bryon Widner spent most of his rebellious teen years on the streets, an easy mark for his town’s Neo-Nazi Skinhead group. They took Bryon under their wing and over the next twenty years, his brothers-in-hate in various Skinhead groups became his family. He founded some of the most notorious hate groups in the United States.. Somewhere along the way he realized the hate he’d been directing outward was a salve for his own self-loathing. That’s when he began the process of leaving. Unfortunately, it’s hard to start a new life with a body covered in tattoos reflecting a landscape of hate. 2 1/2 years of laser treatments and a documentary later (Erasing Hate), Bryon is now on a mission to spread words of Love and Acceptance. (Jan. 19, 2017)

E32 – Brett Swayn was born in Perth, Australia. He dreamt of being a famous performing songwriter and ended up following that dream to California. Sometimes dreams take detours and Brett ended up homeless in Nashville, Tennessee. After months of being homeless, he was given a new chance at life when the restaurant Flemings hired him in their kitchen. From there he worked his way to becoming a chef and now is the chef and owner of The Cookery. It’s not just any restaurant. The Cookery provides training and employment to the homeless of Nashville. Brett has seen over thirty of his students (once homeless) graduate as chefs. (Jan. 26, 2017)

E33 – Alissa Moreno was born with an old soul and a gypsy heart. She began her journey on a Navajo Indian Reservation in New Mexico and has spent the better part of her life touring the world, as a seeker of wisdom and philosophy, meditation and Ayurveda, music and performance. (Feb. 2, 2017)

E34 – Diane was on the phone with her husband, Jack, in March of 2015, when the the unthinkable happened. An intruder entered Jack’s work and took his life while Diane listened, helpless, on the other end of the line. What happened over the next two years took Diane on a journey through Hell and back and taught her some of life’s most intense lessons in patience, persistence, hope, grief and ultimately peace from a Love that never wavered. (Feb. 9, 2017)

E35 – Talha Haseen was born in Pakistan and immigrated with his family to the United States when he was nine years old. He is a Muslim and an active member of his Mosque. As a kid, he didn’t notice a difference in how anyone treated him, but a shift happened post 9-11. Now, as an adult, he’s had the opportunity to travel to different parts of the U.S. and happily reports that, in general, he’s been met with curiosity and a lovely openness. (Feb. 16, 2017)

E36 – John Jackson was nearly sixteen when a stolen look from his high school art teacher set off a series of events that would shape his romantic relationships forever. In a time when boundaries were not as defined and laws were not yet solidified, their liaisons became the touchstone for how he based every encounter and every girlfriend from then on. Now, four decades later, he’s come to understand the ramifications of it all, left with a longing for a childhood lost and a desire for justice, or at the very least, peace. (Feb. 23, 2017)

E38 – Annie Waugh (Boerner) specializes in NST, a technique that integrates both the neurological and structural re-balancing of the body. Her focal point is trauma recovery and helps her clients to resolve pain, tension and dysfunction with NST and other modalities. We talked about really fascinating mind body connections – check out the Hey Human podcast link page for some references! (Mar. 9, 2017)

E39 – Chris Norton & Emily Summers are remarkable humans in their own right. In 2010, Chris was left paralyzed after a college football came fractured his upper spine and tore at his spinal cord, leaving him unable to move below the neck. He was told he only had a 3% chance of ever being mobile again. Determined, Chris never gave up and what seemed an impossible goal, became a reality as he walked across the stage at his college graduation. He started a foundation to raise money for people who didn’t have access to equipment that could help them recover as well. His SCI CAN Foundation has since raised over $600,000! Chris met Emily while in rehabilitation, at a college party and the two began an extraordinary courtship leading to their engagement in 2015. Emily works with foster children and disadvantaged youth and spends her time making the world better by making the children of the world lives better. This is one dynamic duo! (Mar. 16, 2017)

E40 – John Angelos is the Executive VP of the Baltimore Orioles and the President of the Mid Atlantic Sports Network. In 2015, during the aftermath of Freddie Gray’s death, a series of tweets John wrote went viral with their central premise that “If the system fails some of us, it fails all of us.” (Mar. 23, 2017)

E41 – Evan Kidd is an award-winning filmmaker who recently wrote and directed Son of Clowns which garnered multiple awards on the film festival circuit in 2016. He’s also an accomplished documentarian and has directed multiple music videos. (Mar. 30, 2017)

E42 – Caleb Mundy. After receiving his Bachelors of Music in Commercial Music,  Caleb decided to attend Belmont University College of Law. He’s a student, a bass player, a dog lover and he has an extraordinary beard. He jokes that he went to law school “for a girl” but with the girl long gone, he’s about to graduate, take the Bar and take action helping some of humanity’s most vulnerable. (Ap. 6, 2017)

E43 – Chloë Stillwell is a Nashville born, New York trained writer and comedian and self described feminist. She writes and comments on pop culture, entertainment, feminist and social justice. She currently covers culture for Playboy and politics for Paste Magazine.  Her work has appeared in The Frisky, Death & Taxes, Guerrilla Feminism and Amy Poheler’s Smart Girls, among others. You can find her acerbic wit on the comedy stages of Nashville every month with the Broads and Brews comedy collective. (Ap. 13, 2017)

E44 – David Nunn was a child like many, reared up in Nashville, Tennessee. He loved his family and he loved being a kid playing ball on the end of his street with the other kids in the neighborhood. By his junior year, however, David was drawn into gang life where money, power and violence ruled those same streets. A former high ranking member of the Crips, David shares his history and how it shaped his present. (Ap. 20, 2017)

E45 – Michelle Chalfant is a therapist, holistic life coach, speaker and author dedicated to helping individuals and couples uncover their true and whole selves by stripping away limiting beliefs, false stories and emotional masks. Michelle has demonstrated that increasing self-awareness is the first step to self-love. Michelle’s Adult Chair model is used to help people understand their inner child, adolescent (ego) and healthy adult more intimately. In doing so, they become able to identify the source of their limiting emotional responses to the world around them. Michelle’s work provides a path toward healing, recovery from trauma and grief, and the promise of growth that comes with a life lived from our Adult Chair. Michelle is host of The Adult Chair podcast, and her writing and guided meditations support thousands of listeners, readers, and students around the world. (Ap. 27, 2017)

E46 – Luke Pell is a veteran, reality television star (The Bachelorette), artist-songwriter and all around interesting guy. Sociology, humanity, self-discovery and growth are at the forefront of his adventures in life. (May 4, 2017)

E47 – Barton Green‘s literary skill has been employed by such heavyweights as
five-time boxing champ Evander Holyfield, platinum recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman, “Heartbreak Hotel” composer, Mae Boren Axton, Italian film star Isabelle Adriani, British diplomat Sir Lionel Luckhoo, and the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis I. He is currently penning the Frances Preston biography. Bart is also an actor and screenwriter. (May 11, 2017)

E48 – Ryan Rado is a phenomenal painter, writer and punk musician and he also has Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He’s been dealing with the tics and compulsions since he was a young child. Now, as an adult, he’s still learning how to navigate the world with acceptance and through perseverance. (May 18, 2017)

E49 – Sheri Kendrick shines light in dark places. She’s been taking photos professionally since 1999 but in 2006 a shift in focus came to her, thus beginning what would become her most important body of work. Sheri, with her non-profit Little Light of Mine, began taking photographs of terminally ill children for their families. Sometimes, happily, the children recover, but in most situations, Sheri’s images are the last (and lasting) poignant memories parents and siblings have to hold. (May 25, 2017)

E50 – Gabrielle & Tony Caldwell are the owners of the Osho Collective Spa and Wellness Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Tony is the Creative Director and head stylist and Gabrielle is the Wellness Director and ReUnion Process Facilitator. Their journey to find each other and then maneuver the ups and downs of Love and Business is as real as it gets. They’ve navigated Depression, Study, Meditation, Martial Arts, Growth, Setback, Communication, Humor, Teaching, Silence, Tears and Patience together. (June 1, 2017)

E51 – Katie Troyer was born into an Amish family in Ohio. She spent her entire life searching for something and, in her early forties, found it. She was born a little person and because of her small stature, she felt isolated from the other Amish children. After a huge epiphany, Katie left the Amish faith and followed her own path to God. Now, she spends her time taking incredible photographs of Amish and Mennonite communities and has amassed the largest collection of such works. She’s a force and a gentle spirit. (June 8, 2017)

E52 – Rozana McGrattan was born in Brazil into extreme poverty. Her memoir, Street Girl, follows her extraordinary life of homelessness, sickness, abuse, servitude, captivity and escape. Her sheer will to survive and to be something bigger than what was expected of her gave her Hope beyond the darkness of her experiences. Rozana is now a successful businesswoman in England and has proven one can succeed against insurmountable odds. For a transcript of this episode, please visit: the Transcript page. (June 15, 2017)

E53 – The Dustbowl Revival has been making a name for itself with a vibrant mix of vintage Americana sounds. Critics have proclaimed that this eclectic eight-piece “would have sounded utterly at home within the hallowed confines of Preservation Hall in New Orleans’ French Quarter” (Los Angeles Times) and their “upbeat, old-school, All-American sonic safaris exemplify everything shows should be: hot, spontaneous, engaging and, best of all, a pleasure to hear” (L.A. Weekly). Their new eponymous album is out now and it showcases the ensemble evolving and refining its music. (June 22, 2017)

E54 – Jenni Schaefer graduated summa cum laude from Texas A&M University with a degree in biochemistry and was headed to medical school when she decided instead to move to Nashville to pursue singing and songwriting. It was in Nashville that she began to deal with the devastating consequences of an eating disorder that nearly derailed everything. Fully recovered, Jenni is now an advocate, speaker, consultant and coach. Her first book, Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too (McGraw-Hill) became a best-seller and she continues to help countless men and women in their journey to recovery from their Eating Disorders. Her next book, Goodbye Ed, Hello Me: Recover from Your Eating Disorder and Fall in Love with Life (McGraw-Hill), widened her message to one of self-actualization and personal fulfillment. Her latest book,  Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One’s) Relationship with Food a Problem? addresses the millions of people who struggle with disordered eating while not meeting the diagnostic criteria for a full-blown eating disorder. Jenni is an Eating Recovery Center National Advocate and Chair of the Ambassadors Council of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), Advisor to NEDA’s Certified Speakers Program and recipient of their Westin Family Award for Excellence in Advocacy and Activism, as well as a member of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals and of the Academy of Eating Disorders. (June 29, 2017)

E55 – Harlan Pease is an educator, a songwriter and a Musician on Call. He teaches literature and composition at Nashville State Community College and in the Tennessee State prison system – at the Turney Center Industrial Complex. He’s no nonsense and the bar he sets doesn’t change for his students “on the outside” vs. those within the prison walls. He expects his every student to rise to the occasion. (July 6, 2017)

E56 – Susan Ruth is the host of Hey Human podcast. She’s also a professional songwriter, a painter and collector of word piles. In celebration of the one year anniversary for Hey Human, Susan’s bestie, Ellen Sevier, turns the conversation to Susan. (July 13, 2017)

E57 – Lori Hudspeth is a fire walker, Shaman, hypnotherapist, intuitive life consultant and minister. Her little piggies have walked over 1400 degree coals and she teaches other humans how to do the same! In the immortal words of Paris Hilton: “That’s hot!” (July 20, 2017)

E58 – Dan Hodges is a retired FBI BAU profiler, hostage negotiator and counterintelligence officer. He currently is a private investigator. Dan shares stories from his files – discussing serial killers, spies and bank robbers. (July 27, 2017)

E59 – Kate O’Neill is a “tech humanist;” a consultant, author and speaker. She is founder and CEO of KO Insights and has been profiled and quoted in CNN Money, TIME, Forbes, USA Today, Men’s Journal, the BBC, etc. Her latest book, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces launched in September 2016. (August 3, 2017)

E60 – His entire life, A.J. Croce has heard the comparisons to his famous father, whom he lost to a plane crash when A.J. was two. He found his own voice from the start of his career, however, and has since released nine albums and has charted 17 Top 20 singles in Top 40, Americana, Independent, Blues, and Jazz. According to Willie Nelson, “A.J. Croce has wisdom beyond his years. With his music, he represents his generation with a profound sense of honesty in his lyrics and quality in his delivery. The future of entertainment is safe in his hands!” A.J.’s new album, Just Like Medicine, produced by legendary soul singer-songwriter and producer Dan Penn, releases August 11, 2017, on Compass Records. (August 10, 2017)

E61 – Ahmed Evans is a deep sea commercial diver/salvager. He’s gone to great depths working on various machines and has recovered all-but-lost items from sunken military vessels, boats, planes and cruise ships. He’s encountered all sorts of fantastic sea life and had a scare or two! (August 17, 2017)

E62 – Cecelia Garmer is a former nun of the Dominican sisterhood. She shares the events from her childhood that shaped her destiny and her ultimate decision to leave the cloistered life for the “real” world. (August 24, 2017)

E63 – Marty Dodson is a hit songwriter, former youth pastor and founder of SongTown (along with Clay Mills). His father battled addictions and shaped how Marty would raise his own children. Marty has written six #1 songs and has had cuts on over 100 albums. (August 31, 2017)

E64 – Emily West is at once an ingenue, demur and stoic, and a comedic firestorm you could liken to Lucille Ball or Carol Burnett. A woman of many faces and an especially extraordinary talent for singing, West has more than earned her performance stripes; touring, releasing critically acclaimed albums, placing 2nd on America’s Got Talent and writing torch songs that’ll vibrate your every sinew. This is as IT-girl as an it-girl gets. All the talent and yet, still vulnerable to the very last note. (September 7, 2017)

E65 – Michael Wood, Jr. is a former Baltimore police officer and Marine veteran. He is a police scientist and national leader on activism for criminal justice reform. He is the CEO of Veterans Stand and on the board of Civilian Led Policing. Michael first garnered attention when, after learning of the Freddie Gray verdict finding for the police officers on trial, he posted a series of Tweets (beginning with “So here we go. I’m going to start Tweeting the things I’ve seen & participated in, in policing that is corrupt, intentional or not.”) about the corruption and brutality he saw firsthand during his policing career. (September 14, 2017)

E66 – Asia McClain Chapman (better known as Asia McClain) was the sole alibi for Adnan Syed’s defense in the murder trial of Hae Min Lee. Made famous by the Serial podcast, Asia was thrust into the middle of the world’s debate as to whether or not Adnan, convicted of the crime and serving a life sentence, was innocent or guilty. Syed’s attorney never took action when Asia claimed to have seen him in the library the day Hae disappeared and since then, there have been many accusations hurled Asia’s way. Why did she came forward? Was she even telling the truth? Fed up with the accusations, Asia wrote a book, Confessions of a Serial Alibi (Post Hill Press) and with it, is determined to set the record straight. (September 21, 2017)

E67 – Aaron Weaver began his stand-up career in Chicago where his dark and absurd comedy and quirky point-of-view quickly garnered him attention. Since moving to LA in 2013, he was named one of Comedy Central’s “Comics to Watch” as well as being named one of Last Comic Standing’s “Top 100 Comedians,” and was recently named of of LA’s Rising Stars by The Culture Strip. He’s hilarious and smart and could have been a rap superstar.  (September 28, 2017)

E68 – Jill Rutter is the Director of Community Outreach for End Slavery Tennessee ( and an advocate for human rights. She’s on a mission to stop human trafficking and most especially to stop the sex trafficking trade. In 2016, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimated that 1 in 6 endangered runaways reported to them were likely sex trafficking victims. Globally, the International Labor Organization estimates that there are 4.5 million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally. (October 5, 2017)

E69 – Niurka D’Amour (Nikky) was born in 1969, in Havana, Cuba. Her family witnessed the revolutionaries, led by Fidel Castro, ousting Batista. Castro implemented the change from capitalism to socialism in the country but at a great cost to Cuba’s citizens. As a young woman, Niurka fled to the United States from her homeland and didn’t look back for nearly two decades. (October 12, 2017)

E70 – Anthony Diggs is a former marine and one of the founding members of Veterans Stand, first as communications director and then in a managerial role. Anthony was at the front line at Standing Rock, along with thousands of other veterans, protecting those who had gathered for peaceful protest against the Dakota Pipeline. He’s also an advocate for cannabis use for PTSD. (October 19, 2017)

E71 – The Lehrer Boys (Jeremy and Daniel) are cartoonists, writers and observers of human nature and the world at large. Their hilarious, thought-provoking, dark, bright and wildly popular cartoons ( have garnered big attention and soon their animated special HIGHLY GIFTED (starring Kesha, Ron Funches and Drake Bell) will be seen on the visual airways. (October 26, 2017)

E72 – Ruth Waytz is a Magistra in the Church of Satan and has the honor of being named the 2017 Witch of the Year. She’s also an Emmy winner, an editor, a publisher and writer and has worked with Larry Flynt. She’s a firm believer in indulgence, free will and critical thinking. We chat about everything from Satan to free speech and free will. Warning: This episode contains mature language and content. (October 31, 2017)

E73Dr. Jeff Trembley is a dentist (Smile On – Nashville) and photographer in Nashville, Tennessee. He talks tooth truths and the stuff he thinks causes the most damage to our chompers. Some of his answers to my questions might surprise you — they definitely surprised me! (November 2, 2017)

E75 – James Swanwick is an award-winning journalist, he’s been an ESPN sportscaster, he’s an entrepreneur, a podcaster (The James Swanwick Show), world traveler, an influencer and co-founder of the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge and the international agency, Crocmedia. (November 16, 2017)

E76Rebecca Aske has seen a lot in her short time on this planet. She was raised in a Christian home, shielded from the harsh outside world, yet it still managed to find her. Her story is one of strength, endurance and triumph. (November 23, 2017)

E77 – Brian Sweis is fascinated by the beauty and complexity of the brain. He is completing his dual PhD and MD program (University of Minnesota) where he is focused on how the brain makes decisions and how it’s susceptible to change during the time course of addiction. Also discussed – brain plasticity, learning, genetics, and more! (November 30, 2017)

E78 – Melissa Hogan is the founder and president of Project Alive, dedicated to finding a cure for Hunter Syndrome. It’s one of the rarest diseases/genetic disorders in the world and her son Case was born with it, prompting Melissa to leave her attorney life behind and devote all of her time, energy and resources to stopping Hunter Syndrome in its tracks. (December 7, 2017)

E79 – Challice Finch learned of LaVoy Finicum’s death – at the hands of the FBI and Oregon State police – on the day the sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, invited him to speak to local residents and law enforcement. Finicum never made it to the event. He has been called a martyr, a criminal, a hero and a defender of the underdog at the hands of tyranny. Challice has always called him, “Dad.” Now she works tirelessly to ensure her father is never forgotten and that what happened to him on January 26, 2016, never happens to anyone else ever again. (December 14, 2017)

E80 – Seko Uaina is a port truck driver at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach who has, along with other drivers like him, been misclassified as an “independent contractor” by Chinese government owned Intermodal Bridge Transport.  In the U.S., the port trucking industry consists of more than 100,000 truckers, who haul containers filled with everything Americans need (that aren’t made in the US anymore – like clothes, electronics, furniture, textiles, etc.) to “box” stores like Walmart and Target. While the companies and their CEOs profit substantially from the sale of these goods, truckers like Seko and his fellow drivers are suffering in silence over labor abuses, lost wages, long (illegal) hours, indentured servitude and gross mistreatment. (December 21, 2017)

E81 – John McPherson is a sage in the coin of the (ether) realm and he unravels the seemingly mysterious world of cryptocurrency, one blockchain at a time.  He’s also a long-term citizen of the virtual world Second Life. p.s. He’s also a whitewater rafting guide! (December 28, 2017)

E82 – Janon was born with a unique gift of being able to see, feel and hear things others couldn’t. Her natural ability of intuition has helped thousands of people who have come to her for guidance. As a clairvoyant, she has learned to navigate the veils of perception and to quiet herself to hear the faint whispers from other realms. She sees life as a beautiful, mysterious, honored and timeless journey. In this episode, she also makes some 2018 predictions for the U.S. and for Susan. (January 4, 2018)

E83 – Dr. Dawnie Steadman is a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville. She’s also the Director of the Forensic Anthropology Center and an author. Dr. Steadman studies bones, bodies and decomposition, and her work (all over the world) has helped uncover mass graves and recover victims back to their families. (January 11, 2018)

E84 – Alex Seier and Cora Jane are single in the modern world. They discuss the pitfalls and positives navigating dating with apps like Tinder and Bumble. It’s an interesting and often hilarious peek into the differences and similarities of viewpoints and techniques men and women employ when seeking a partner (for long-term or in the moment). NSFW episode – it gets saucy. (January 15, 2018)

E85 – Estella Nakahara-Hemp is fifteen years old and lives in San Francisco, California. She attends high school, has friends and a good head on her shoulders. In this episode she shares her views on education, critical thinking, consumerism, social media communication, bullying and navigating her the general day-to-day life. (January 18, 2018)

E86 – Zac Radford is a professional golfer with aspirations of winning the PGA. He’s also an incredibly talented photographer. On this episode, he shares his story of struggle and achievement toward his dreams. (January 22, 2018)

E87Josh Quigley had given up. Emotional and physically at his end, he decided to take his own life. Miraculously, he lived to see another day. Josh’s journey has been one of hope, triumph, sadness, frustration, achievement and throughout it all, wholly human. (January 25, 2018)

E88 – Will Enochs is a “white hat” hacker otherwise known as a security consultant. It seems like every day we hear of a new major security breach. Will discusses what this means to citizens, how we might better protect ourselves and a little perspective from the side of nefarious hackers. (January 28, 2018)

E89 – Barbara Carrellas is an author, sex educator, performance artist and sexologist. She teaches workshops in which participants explore sexuality through their breath and Tantra practices. She believes breathing and vocalization are keys to erotic encounters and enjoying sex and because of social norms, we aren’t encouraged to follow these practices as we’re learning about sex. The second edition of her book Urban Tantra – Sacred Sex for the Twenty First Century is available now! (February 1, 2018)

E90 – Elisa Iannacone is a filmmaker, journalist and photojournalist. She lives in London and has traversed the globe producing works for National Geographic, BBC World News, Vice, Think Africa Press and others. She is also a survivor of sexual assault, raped by a family member in Mexico. Her new book, The Spiral of Containment – Rape’s Aftermath (Pen Works Media) brings together 24 survivors who had also suffered from sexual violence. Their stories, combined with Elisa’s empowering conceptual photographs, share trauma’s darkest shadow and the truth of their experiences across the world. (February 5, 2018)

E91 – Alex Robkin is an addict. That’s how he describes himself. He’s been clean 240 days as of this posting – that’s almost 8 months. He’s kicking ass today, but he acknowledges it has been a struggle in the past. His third go around with rehab led him to today. To every day from now on. If you’ve ever wondered why someone does drugs or what it’s like when they decide to quit and what every day after that feels like, listen to this episode. Alex, and so many humans like him, one day at a time, know this; “As long as you’re alive, there’s still hope.” (February 8, 2018)

E92 – Yashi Brown is a poetess and philanthropist. Daughter of Rebbie Jackson (and a member of the famed musical Jackson family), Yashi began taking her poetry very seriously in her teens, then more significantly by her early twenties when she started experiencing the onset of emotional challenges. Soon after, she was diagnosed with severe Bipolar Disorder Type I, and began a personal journey for which she was ill prepared for – save for the beauty of the words in which she sought her solace. In 2011, Yashi became a national ambassador for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the largest grassroots mental health advocacy organization in the country and today consults and works closely on the Campaign to Change Direction. She has a new audio poetry and music project in the works and an upcoming re-release of her acclaimed poetry collection, Black Daisy in a White Limousine. (February 15, 2018)

E93 – Wade McCollum is a multi-faceted and multi-talented man. He’s a stage and screen actor, director, composer and a rising Broadway star. He’s award winning, deeply philosophical, gracious and funny. His works earns rave reviews and his charisma is mesmerizing. We chat about writing, directing, acting, muses and navigating childhood. Keep an eye on him – he’s the real deal! (February 22, 2018)

E94 – Kate Bornstein is an author, playwright, performance artist, gender theorist and trans icon. Assigned male at birth, Kate received gender reassignment surgery in 1986. Joining the Church of Scientology (becoming a high ranking lieutenant in the Sea Org), Kate formally left the movement in 1981. Currently writing two new books; Trans – Just For The Fun Of It and In The Company of Heroines, Kate’s writing credits are a mile long, including Gender Outlaw, Hello Cruel World – 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, Freaks and Other Outlaws, and A Queer and Pleasant Danger, among others. We chatted about life, love and the discovery of what it means to be an “I am” in a world of “you are.” (March 1, 2018)

E95 – Drew Smith is a gun collector and enthusiast who grew up in a simpler time when it wasn’t so strange for a young person to spend their free time  with a fishing pole in one hand and a rifle in the other. But times have changed. He has an interesting perspective, in that he’s traveled the world and he’s a “regular” guy. He’s not an expert nor a hardliner one way or the other in the debate on gun control. Here’s one human’s perspective on what it’s like to grow up with a respect for the power and an admiration for the highly specialized machine that has the capacity to take or save a life. (March 8, 2018)

E96 – Dr. Ayanna Howard is a roboticist and the School Chair for Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. Her work in Artificial Intelligence and robotics has earned her far more accolades than can fit in a paragraph, including being named by M.I.T Technology Review as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35. She was also recognized as one of the 23 most powerful women engineers in the world by Business Insider. Howard’s research interests include human-robot interaction, assistive/rehabilitation robotics, field robotics, and perception, learning, and reasoning. (March 15, 2018)

E97 – Ramona Reid is a practitioner at (and co-owner of) the Nashville Center for Alternative Therapy. Having studied the Enneagram modality for the past six years, she uses the system to help people understand themselves and the world at large. The Enneagram of Personality has been widely promoted in both business and spiritual contexts (not unlike the Myers-Briggs test) to type the human psyche via nine interconnected personality types. Ramona breaks down type 1 through type 9 and discusses what each number possibly means for an individual. (March 22, 2018)

E98 – Larry Goad stared down the barrel of a gun. Strung out on a cocktail of depression and substances, the home intruder pointed Larry’s own weapon at him and fired. What happened next is an inspiring story of understanding and forgiveness. (March 29, 2018)

E99 – Cameron Clark and Sarah Orton are the Clinical Training Program Coordinator and Advocacy Service Coordinator, respectively, at the Sexual Assault Center in Nashville, Tennessee. We discuss their responsibilities at the SAC and their mission to provide assistance to survivors of sexual violence, as well as the advocacy, outreach, education and counseling programs. If you or anyone you know is in need of assistance due to sexual violence, please contact – or call toll free #800-879-1999 or contact R.A.I.N.N (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) at or toll free #800-656-4673. There is help available, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. (April 5, 2018)

E100 – Nan and Maurice (or as I like to call them; Mom and Dad) sat down with me to share stories of their lives. Nuclear engineering, Physics, Archeology, writing, Radon, Pearl Harbor, Robert Heinlein, Capers and Hijinx, Marines, Navy boats, Hollywood High, Coca-cola cockroaches and other tales. It’s the 100th episode so why not go back to the very beginning of the folks that were the beginning of me! (April 12th, 2018)

E101 – Dr. Deidre Hill Butler talks about the impact the Nashville flood had on the community of Bordeaux, Afrofuturism, cultural heroes, finding joy in the midst of despair and much more. She is an Associate Professor of Sociology, Affiliate of Africana Studies, Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies and American Studies Programs at Union College in Schenectady, New York.  (April 19, 2018)

E102 – Amy is an expert in cannabis. Her background is in molecular gastronomy and she is a researcher of and advocate for the use of cannabis in health and wellness. She’s an author and is exceptionally well versed in the realm of the cannabinoid. We talk THC, CBD, Sativa, Indica, aromatherapy, Cheech and Chong, and a whole lot more! (April 26, 2018)

E103 – Benjamin/Griffin grew up in a close conservative family and all was “normal.” He looks like the handsome boy next year. He’s a writer, baker and porn star. Benjamin is also a graduate of a Chicago pastry school and he made me some of the most delicious macaroons I’ve ever eaten (and I don’t like macaroons!). This episode is definitely NSFW with adult content and explicit language. (May 3, 2018)

E104 – Dr. Yasmine Van Wilt is an advocate, educator, transmedia performance artist, songwriter, and director. Her work interrupts and disrupts mainstream historical narratives by introducing what she has coined ‘magical real new histories’.  You can find her at Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon and Union College discussing intersectional feminism among other fascinating topics. She also performs under the moniker Van Wild. Her PBS special Into the Light is out now on your local PBS affiliate and her song “Folded Flag” drops July 4th of this year! (May 10, 2018)

E105 – David Hall is a Grammy award winning music engineer with multiple album credits to his name. He has dealt with addiction and infidelity within his own relationship only to come out the other side and find himself on the front line of his daughter’s relationship in full-tilt gaslight and destruction mode with her baby’s father, Matt Spain (a man accused of previous horrendous abuses, unbeknownst to David and his family). With a father’s love and determination, David pressed the courts, police and his own family until he could help save his daughter from a probable violent end. And then things got worse. (May 17, 2018)

E106 – Hey Human‘s host, Susan Ruth, discusses her roller coaster experiences in New York, from receiving the prestigious 2018 Valerie J. Hoffman from Union College, to getting caught in a tornado on the Hudson, to her brief stint as a late night crime fighter! (May 24, 2018)

E107 – Michael Sugarman is a Vedic Astrologer and student of the Vedas. He has learned from teachers including Juliana Swanson, Dr. K.S. Charak, Vinay Aditya, Chakrapani Ullal, Gayatri Devi Raman, and Penny Farrow. Using sidereal time, Michael charts a person’s life path and purpose offering the guidance and wisdom of an ancient modality. (May 31, 2018)

E108 – Pat Hodge, the daughter of a sharecropper, was born in 1924. She spent her early years in Oxford, Mississippi, where she learned the old stories from generations of women before her. She witnessed a South entrenched in its own troubled stories but managed to never let anything stop her from rising above it all. After nearly a century of being on this planet, her life has been full of hope, faith and aspiration – even in the wake of terrible circumstances. (June 7, 2018)

E109 – Nick Garrison and Andrea D. were guests of Hey Human during a filming of a “reality show about singer songwriters.” In reality, Andrea was superstar Jewel (yes, that Jewel) and unbeknownst to Nick or Susan, it was all part of a CBS filming of Celebrity Undercover Boss! This is the entire conversation (including live performances from Nick and Jewel (as Andrea) from that day. Kudos to Jewel, a fine actress, who endured a lot of prosthetics (fake teeth, hair, forehead and nose) and make-up to play her part! The television episode aired on CBS June 8 but you can find it online. It was fun to find out the truth, but in this episode of Hey Human, no one is the wiser! (June 14, 2018)

E110 – Cheryl Ann Lipstreu is a champion bodypaint artist, muralist and canvas painter. She travels all over the world for international body painting festivals and competitions. Her artistry is featured on the Hey Human podcast poster with Susan Ruth as the canvas! (June 21, 2018)

E111 – Kevin McElroy is a new dad. Like any new parent he’s navigating what it means to be the provider, nurturer and guidepost for his daughter. It was especially daunting at first, as he learned not too long before her birth that he was an in vitro baby and much of his own childhood had been based upon a lie which made him question much about his own identity. (June 28, 2018)

E112 – Dr. Gretchel Hathaway is currently serving as the Dean of Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer at Union College and she supervises the Office of Multicultural Affairs. She is also is the author of A Bonded Friendship – Moses and Eliphalet about Moses Viney, who escaped the bonds of slavery and was embraced  by the then president of Union College, Eliphalet Nott. (July 5, 2018)

E113 – Deb Randolph has an unusual story. Since her childhood, she has been visited by beings. As she sees it, angels and aliens have been a part of life for as far back as she can remember. She has seen UFOs with friends and has had a host of otherwise inexplicable experiences. Whether or not you believe aliens are among us, or in the universe at large, or not at all, this is a fascinating conversation. The truth is out there – and, maybe, the truth is in here. (July 12, 2018)

E114 – Greg Rood comes from a tight-knit family. When his mom got sick, everyone stepped up to help. The next couple of years turned into a roller coaster of emotions for Greg and his family. In crisis, folks show up and some, like Greg, become superheroes. (July 19, 2018)

E115 – E. Michael Harrington is a professor of music copyright and intellectual property. He has lectured at the top schools in the country and has been the expert witness and consultant in hundreds of music copyright cases for such notables as director Steven Spielberg and producer Mark Burnett to artists Dixie Chicks, Steve Perry, Snoop Dogg, T-Pain, Collin Raye, Keith Urban, Tupac, Lady Gaga, Pharrell, Robin Thicke, Mariah Carey and on and on. He’s also a composer and created Berklee’s vast Online Music Business Law content.  (July 26, 2018)

E116 – Cirque Du Soleil’s Maxwell Batista and Sasha Yudintsev share behind the scenes and onstage stories of the world’s most beloved circus. (August 2, 2018)

E117 – Shai Littlejohn is an attorney, author and musician. She has served on both the prosecution and defense in her career in the Washington D.C. courts. She has been an active member of her community as a mentor and speaker and has published articles on law, music and community outreach. She’s also a talented singer-songwriter! (August 9, 2018)

E118 Evander Holyfield is a four-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world. He represented the United States in the 1984 Summer Olympics, winning the bronze in the heavyweight division. Raised by a strong, philosophical mother, Evander learned from a young age the importance of listening and showing up. He’s a businessman, and has launched his Real Deal Promotions as a boxing promoter who already has a roster full of KO champs. (August 16, 2018)

E119 Stacy Manning is an editor, contributor and spokesperson of the online forum Them Before Us. She believes children are best served by the “traditional parent model” of mother and father. The Them Before Us mission statement is “…to advance social policies that encourage adults to actively respect the rights of children rather than expecting children to sacrifice their fundamental rights for the sake of adult desires.” Adoption, in vitro, surrogacy and the like are in direct opposition to her and her coalition’s fundamental belief system. (August 23, 2018)

E120 Gabriel Mozart Steven Abeyta is Taos Pueblo and Navajo. He is a filmmaker (The Beginnings of my Heart), writer and jewelry designer. His childhood took him all over the world and he’s also experienced life on “the Res” (reservation). He has a unique perspective of seeing life through multiple lenses. The son of a famous fashion designer (mom, Patricia Michaels) and painter (dad, Tony Abeyta), it’s no wonder Gabriel is such a creative force! (August 30, 2018)

E121 Daphne Willis has an infectious laugh that brightens a room, but she’s no stranger to darkness. As an artist and songwriter, her music is truthful and at times touches on subjects many shy away from. Empowered by her vulnerability, her fans find safety in their own vulnerability. Daphne has become a touchstone for them and doesn’t take that honor lightly. She’s an advocate for mental health and a crusader for happiness. One day at a time, one song at a time, she’s working through the layers. (September 6, 2018)

E122 Jeff was a first responder in Washington D.C., on September 11th, 2001. As a result of the contaminants in the air, he became ill. Soon, his health deteriorated to the point he needed a heart transplant. And then another. His story is a remarkable one of strength, endurance and the human spirit. (September 13, 2018)

E123 David Razowsky is a renowned (and award-winning) Improv acting coach. He tours all over the world teaching actors of all experience levels. He turns the traditional “Yes, and…” on its ear and the result is “compelling, smart, truthful, and surprising scenes…No games, no preconceived premises, no ideas, no ego.” He came up in Second City with Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert and Amy Sedaris and was the Artistic Director for The Second City Hollywood. He is the creator and host of the A.D.D. Comedy podcast. (September 20, 2018)

E124 Andi Renfree is an Air Force veteran. One night, while in her room on base, during her first assignment in Germany, the unthinkable happened. She fought back and she found her voice. She is a survivor. (September 27, 2018)

E125 Dr. David Teplica (MD/MFA) manages a busy practice in Chicago, IL in the field of plastic surgery and cares for patients from around the globe.  His creative photography is exhibited widely and prints are held in prominent collections, including the Museum of Contemporary Photography, The Art Institute of Chicago and the National Portrait Gallery, among others. His groundbreaking surgical work and research is world renowned. Dr. Teplica is also one of the foremost research experts on twins and, with the help of colleagues, he recently created The 803 Foundation to further investigate the intersection of Art and Science. (October 4, 2018)

E126 Smithfield is comprised of Jennifer Fiedler and Trey Smith. Founded in 2011, they hit the ground running with a dream as big as their home state of Texas. Having grown up together, Jennifer and Trey’s on-stage chemistry is undeniably genuine and natural. They took time out from their busy touring and writing schedule to chat about what moves them creatively and personally. Rolling Stone called them “Ones to Watch” and their songs, “Hey Whiskey,” “When You’re Gone” and “Our World” are burnin’ up the charts on SiriusXM, Spotify. Most recently they’ve been added to the morning playlist on the iHeartMedia nationally syndicated Bobby Bones show, as well as on country stations around the nation! Hear “Our World” on this episode! (October 11, 2018)

E127 David Calkins, Ph.D, is a seeker. He has an exciting career in biomedical research and teaching and is the Denis M. O’Day Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Vice Chairman and Director for Research of the Vanderbilt Eye Institute, Professor of Psychology, Professor of Pharmacology and Director of the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center. We discuss all sorts of fun topics, including the brain, eyes, the Soul, science, philosophy and some of our most favorite books. (October 18, 2018)

E128 Rachel Kaden is an award winning director with an innate love of storytelling. Her early years as an actress educated her in the art of performance, and a deep passion for British cinema led her to study film at London Metropolitan University. She’s currently working on her documentary, Man Down, about the life and suicide of her friend, infantry soldier Kevin Williams. Kevin was the youngest rifleman in the 1st Battalion Royal Green Jackets. Man Down examines the support structure for British troops and veterans, comparing it to systems offered to soldiers around the world, and explores how his suicide might pave the way for countless others to seek help. (October 25, 2018)

E129 David “Doc” Downs led an active and carefree life as a bassist and dancer. He tended bar and performed in bands, making his living as a creative. Four years ago he started having vision problems, and soon would receive a phone call that would turn his life upside down. As he battles Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for dominion over his mind and body, he tries to keep a positive outlook day by day and step by step. (November 1, 2018)

E130 Dianne Maroney is an author and founder of The Imagine Project, a program that gives kids and teens (and adults) the opportunity to work through stress, trauma, and the drama of everyday life through expressive writing. She has seen first hand the transformative power of imagining things for the better. Her workbooks and program have been implemented in schools and centers around the globe. (November 8, 2018)

E131 Cristina Zenato is a world renowned shark researcher, cave diver, SCUBA master and marine life conservationist. Born in Italy, she calls the Bahamas home where she spends her time with her beloved Caribbean Reef Sharks doing research and teaching others. She has seen and mapped underwater caves where no other human has ever been. She lives an extraordinary life and is on a mission to de-mystify and de-vilify the creatures that have been on our planet for 450 million years. (November 15, 2018)

E132 Ben Danaher is a Truth teller. Rolling Stone called him a “2018 Artist to Watch,” all at once praising Ben’s songwriting talent and his vulnerability. He’s as engaging on stage live, reverent yet commanding, as he is between the grooves of a record.  He’s suffered sadness no person should bear, with the loss of his father and brother. He’s trying to find his way one song at a time. The world is complicated and Ben is seeking the answers we all seek – but he’s doing so with the heart of a troubadour. (November 22, 2018)

E133 Martin Olson is a comedy writer, television writer and producer, voice over actor, songwriter, composer and NY Times bestselling author. He has five Emmy nominations (three for television writing and two for song writing), and an Ace Award. He was head writer on Phineas and Ferb‘s first season and one of the main songwriters for the series. He is also a playwright and poet known for comedic and unusual subject matter. He has song cuts with dozens of artists including; Chaka Khan, Ashley Tisdale, Weird Al Yankovic and Kenny Logins. He’s also a voice over actor and you’ve definitely heard him as Hunson Abadeer aka “The Lord of Evil” on Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time! (November 29, 2018)

E134 Vanessa Londino believes in treating the whole person: mind, heart, spirit and body. As a licensed professional counselor, her specializations included trauma and the effects of abuse, addicted and narcissistic family systems, women’s identity issues, spiritual trauma and abuse, couples and adolescents. She has been on her own healing journey, as well. Not only is she a therapist, but she received her MFA from Tisch School of the Arts and is a certified personal trainer! (December 6, 2018)

E135 Suzie Kerr Wright is psychic medium, astrologer, Tarot reader, Reiki master/teacher and Certified Holistic Life Coach. She has studied at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in Burton End, Essex, England. Not only does Suzie discuss her work with Hey Human but she does an on-the-spot reading of guest Sarah Kowarski and blew our minds with her accuracy! (December 13, 2018)

E136 Will Temple is a boxing coach, trainer and mentor to young men in the St. Louis, Missouri region. His son, Joshua Temple, is well on his way to becoming a champion boxer. Will talks about what inspires him to coach, what he’s learned and that there’s more to boxing (and Will’s story) than meets the eye.   (December 20, 2018)

E137 Deborah Evans Price is an author, journalist and co-founder of Country Faith, a faith-based multimedia content production, management and marketing company. The award-winning writer has served as Editor-in-Chief of Country News magazine, associate editor of American Songwriter and music editor (Country/Christian) for Billboard. She continues to freelance regularly at Billboard, Rolling Stone, Country Weekly, The Boot, and many of the top music outlets. She has interviewed the biggest names in Country and Gospel music and is a noted music industry analyst. (December 27, 2018)

E138 Aubrey Bailey is a Senior Bioinformaticist at the Kuopio Center for Gene and Cell Therapy in Finland and was previously at the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center‘s Microbiology and Immunology Dept at Dittmer Lab in North Carolina. He’s also a fecal transplant donor…yes you read that right! (January 3, 2019)

E139 Rev. Stan Mitchell was raised evangelical Fundamentalist. He spent his young life as a pastor touring like a rockstar preaching of a sectarian and exclusive god, whose tight system of acceptance wouldn’t let “just anyone” in. Nowadays, he refers to himself as “unashamedly Christian” and “unapologetically interfaith.” His work with LGBTQ acceptance within the church has him preaching love and understanding over bigotry and fear. One flock at a time, he’s changing the world. (January 10, 2019)

E140 Hannah Fraser is a real life mermaid! She’s an underwater model, conservationist, documentary filmmaker and has swum in deep water (mermaid tail, and all) with whales, sharks, dolphins, manta ray and a host of other creatures under the sea. She’s put herself between hunting ships and the creatures she loves and her life’s mission is to bring awareness and understanding to the world of some of our oldest living beings. (January 17, 2019)

E141 Jason Benitez is the Director of Multicultural Affairs and Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion at Union College in Schenectady, New York. It can be tricky these days to bring people together, but he works with students, faculty, administrators and staff to actively cultivate an appreciation for diversity in all its forms. Jason does this by engaging the college and surrounding community in a number of innovative programs and initiatives which seek to develop cultural competency, religious fluency, and global awareness. (January 24, 2019)

E142 Ash Gallagher is a war correspondent, writer, producer and human rights advocate. She has worked with CNN International, Al Jazeera English, TRT-World and Yahoo News to name a few. As an investigative and in-depth reporter, she has ushered in international breaking stories. Her work has taken her all over the world, including Iraq, Levant, Palestine, Israel and Southeast Asia. (January 31, 2019)

E143 Jon Van Hoff and Harold Jarboe were way ahead of their time back in the day. They understood the benefits of CBD, hemp and THC long before it became a part of the zeitgeist. Jon owns and operates Nashville ReLeaf and Harold owns and operates Tennessee Homegrown, a pot farm not too far from Nashville. Laws, lawmakers, health benefits, myths and everything in between the greens is on the table for this interesting conversation! (February 7, 2019)

E144 Alex, Mercury and Eva are a part of the polyamorous community in Nashville. Alex and Mercury are partners with another woman, and Eva lives with her boyfriend and his wife. Together the three discuss polyamory culture, norms, lifestyle, misconceptions, advocacy and support. Happy Valentine’s Day!  (February 14, 2019)

E145 Kaywana Raeburn, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Economics at Union College in Schenectady, NY. She teaches courses in behavioral economics and introductory economics. Her primary research areas are behavioral and experimental economics, particularly as relates to developing countries. We chat about farmers, technology, STEM girls and how one person effects change globally. (February 21, 2019)

E146 Al Snow is a professional WWE, TNA and TCW wrestler, color commentator, promoter and training coach. Snow owns and operates the Ohio Valley Wrestling training facilities all over the world. His book, Self Help: Life Lessons From the Bizarre Wrestling Career of Al Snow launches in April of this year. (February 28, 2019)

E147 Eric Kellum  is a recovering porn addict. Like many, his addiction started when he was still quite young resulting in sexual struggles and dysfunction. Years later, in a moment of harsh realization that his marriage wouldn’t be able to survive, Eric began his journey to healing. As a pastor in Virginia he tries to encourage openness around the conversation of sex. His new book, Sexual Healing: A Man’s Sexual Journey and the Lessons Learned Along the Way is an honest account of his accountability and recovery. (March 7, 2019)

E148 Joe Stiles is a bail bondsman and fugitive recovery agent. He owns Bail Fast Bonding in Knoxville, TN and has recovered “jumpers” from dozens of states. We chat about laws, history, his recovery adventures and the concept of “Dead or Alive” (not the Bon Jovi kind). (March 14, 2019)

E149 Jamie Floyd is a country music artist songwriter and composer. You may recognize her from the show Real Country, or you may have heard her songs in the Burt Reynold’s movie, The Last Movie Star. Jamie has been pursuing her dreams since she was eleven and has penned songs from some of country music’s biggest stars. (March 21, 2019)

E150 Eric Nadel is the Voice of the Texas Rangers. He was inducted into the Texas Baseball Hall of Fame and has received the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Texas Sportscaster of the Year Award seven times. He’s an accomplished author and has recently released a book of baseball themed limericks, Lim-Eric! (Nov. 2018). He is an advocate for mental health and homelessness awareness and works with several organizations, including; Campaign to Change Direction, Okay to Say, Café Momentum and Focus on Teens. (March 28, 2019)

E151 Erica Stone is a champion for the orphans of war-torn and disease-ravaged Sierra Leone. Her new bestselling memoir, Gray – A Story of Loss, chronicles her all-at-once devastating and triumphant experiences in the country she has grown to love as her own. An incredible story of love and loss, Erica’s is one that proves humanity and compassion knows no bounds when a mother is fighting for her children. (April 4, 2019)

E152 Jennifer Mitchell, PhD., is a gender and sexuality scholar, associate professor of Modernist and Contemporary British Lit and critical theorist. She teaches at Union College in New York. (April 11, 2019)

E153 David Hannah is a teaching pastor at The Church of Lockeland Springs in Nashville, TN. He’s a former attorney, former missionary, husband, father and follower of Jesus. (April 18, 2019)

E154 Shawn Ryan is a former Navy SEAL, CIA Contractor and founder/CEO of Vigilance Elite, a training facility whose purpose is to “teach and instill the unique skills and mindset of a Navy SEAL…” (he trained Keanu Reeves for John Wick 3) Shawn enlisted in the US Navy at 18. He became a SEAL and served with SEAL Teams 2 and 8, deploying to multiple conflict zones, fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan. After leaving the Navy, Shawn continued to serve his country as a CIA Contractor. He is also very involved with helping veterans transition from elite warrior to civilian life. (April 25, 2019)

E155 Kuldrin Fire is a master dom and sadist in the BDSM community. He is an educator and a podcaster (Kuldrin’s Krypt). Kuldrin is a former medical professional and is trained and certified in CPR/First Aid, universal precautions, and bloodborne and fluid-borne pathogens.  (May 2, 2019)

E156 Eleanor Owen is a mental health professional, journalist, playwright, university professor, costume designer, and actress. She received statewide and national honors and awards for her advocacy work on behalf of families and individuals with mental illness. In 1978, she founded the Washington Advocates for the Mentally Ill and the following year in she co-founded the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. She is known in the Washington State House of Representatives and Senate as “The Barracuda” for her advocacy efforts. Born in 1921, she is currently writing her memoir, Mama’s Fireflies. (May 9, 2019)

E157 Jen and Graham Ayers heard a rumor. Instead of buying into the rumor they decided to find out for themselves. In doing so, they began a journey that would lead to a better community, a stronger school in that community and a bond between parents, teachers and administrators that would change everything. They’re a testament to what can happen when people stop complaining and start asking, “how may I help?” (May 16, 2019)

E158 James Dixon is a lot of things to a lot of people. He’s a boxing coach and mentor to kids (some of whom don’t have a strong parental figure in the home), a philanthropist giving of his time, money and expertise to help his community and he’s a father figure, not only to his own son Carlos, but to so many kids that end up in his gym, TKO Boxing in Louisville, KY. He believes in the power of hard work and determination and that kids deemed “unreachable” by society have a whole lot of good to give…and some may, in fact, be champions. (May 23, 2019)

E159 Gary Ferguson has crammed a whole lot of living in his life, so far. He’s won over 100 competitions (including national championships) as coach for the Mercy High, all-girls Catholic school, dance and cheer squads. He has been a Broadway dance star and was dance captain for the Radio City Rockettes. He’s a choreographer, director, dancer, actor, coach and mentor to countless kids. He has a vision for the future and gives barely a glance to the past. (May 30, 2019)

E160 KJ said to me, “I’ve done some terrible things.” That certainly caught my attention and I wanted to know more. She shares her history of making “questionable” choices as a girl on the edge, on the rise and on the whole. Self-reflection and growth is at the heart of her story and that story is only just beginning. (June 6, 2019)

E161 Mary Martin played a key role in connecting Bob Dylan with the Band; she managed Leonard Cohen, Van Morrison, Rodney Crowell, and Vince Gill at crucial stages of their careers; she signed Emmylou Harris to Warner Bros. Records. In other words, she’s responsible for finding some of music’s best and brightest stars. She’s the music industry’s chain-smoking, f-bomb dropping star-making legend. And she’s a lovely human that’s been through some terrible things, too. (June 13, 2019)

E162 Chris Watts is a Louisiana National Guard veteran and Hurricane Katrina first-responder raised in the Deep South on conservative Christian values and the fear of “Liberals Gone Mad.” Politics, prayer, journalism, race, small towns, The Confederacy, social media, and more are covered in this episode.  (June 20, 2019)

E163 Toby Mamis was still a kid in his late teens when he started FTM (Famous Toby Mamis) PR. His clients included Blondie, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Uriah Heep, Suzi Quatro, Apple Records, the New York Dolls, The Hollies, Yoko Ono and John Lennon. He went on to manage Blondie and Joan Jett and the Runaways and has been managing Alice Cooper for over 30 years.  He was also a teen activist and started his own high school in NY! (June 27, 2019)

E164 President Abraham Lincoln talks about the Civil War, his childhood, his presidency and his thoughts on what might have been and Association of Lincoln Presenters member and actor Robert Broski shares what prompted him to embody one of America’s most beloved presidents. (July 4, 2019)

E165 Molly O’Neill is a literary agent with Root Literary. Over the last sixteen years, Molly has been an Editor at HarperCollins Children’s Books, where she acquired Veronica Roth’s juggernaut Divergent series, the Head of Editorial at Storybird, a publishing/tech start-up, a member of the School & Library Marketing departments at both HarperCollins and Clarion Books and an Agent at Waxman Leavell Literary Agency. Whether you’re a book lover, book curious or simply up for a good story and how it gets from Author to Editor to Agent to You, you’ll enjoy this fun conversation! (July 11, 2019)

E166 Hollye Dexter has been through the fire both literally and figuratively. Her story is a fascinating one. She was a child actor, she experienced a horrific tragedy that nearly ended her brother’s life, and she suffered a devastating loss that nearly destroyed everything. Through it all, she has persevered and is now an author (Fire Season), editor (Dancing at the Shame Prom) and advocate. (July 18, 2019)

E167 Paul Koudounaris photographs of skulls, mummies and religious and death rituals have been seen around the world. He has a PhD in Art History, and his publications in the field of charnel house and ossuary research have made him a well-known figure in the field of macabre art and art history. He is the author of three books (The Empire of Death, Memento Mori and Heavenly Bodies) and has lectured extensively on his research on the above mentioned, as well as the history of demonic cats and sex ghosts. (July 25, 2019)

E168 Audra is a witch. She’s not of the Wiccan sort — she flies to her own broom. An alchemist and magickal practitioner, she discusses mythology, history, symbolism and the facts of her own personal philosophy on what it means to be a witch in the modern world. (August 1, 2019)

E169 Arik Cohen‘s grandparents, on both sides, survived the Holocaust. The odds of Arik existing are around 1 in 900,000,000. His grandfathers; Aryeh Schneider and Emil Kohn and grandmothers; Masha Klein (Schneider) and Eva Hirsch (Kohn) experienced atrocities first-hand during Hitler’s reign of terror and genocide. Their stories are testaments to  tenacity, hope and survival. (August 8, 2019)

E170 Danielle Dickens had a promising career in front of her as a professional dancer but one fateful night crossing the street changed the trajectory of her life. During her rehabilitation she discovered the athleticism of pole dancing and through it, really began her healing. Still, more challenges and triumphs were yet to come. (August 15, 2019)

E171 Bob Zaugh was concerned about the Vietnam War and his impending draft. He went to a speech against the war by David Harris and in doing so, set the course for much of the rest of his life, and subsequently helped turn the tide that spared thousands of young American lives. When Bob decided to turn in his draft card and refuse induction into the U.S. Army as a non-cooperation draft resister, he joined with and helped to form a key group of young people opposed to the war, which became known as the “LA Resistance.” They helped organize others to oppose induction, stand trial, and if found guilty, go to jail as a form of civil disobedience. They also defended themselves at their trials. During this time, Bob helped to start Peace Press, printing posters, leaflets, bumper strips and books for progressive organizations. Late in the history of Peace Press, Bob printed and promoted the work of a young cartoonist named Matt Groening, helping to launch his meteoric career (but that’s another story). (August 22, 2019)

E172 Ellis Armistead is a Certified Legal Investigator, one of only 66 in the world. He began his career as a police officer in Alabama, eventually moving to Colorado. In 1991 he formed H. Ellis Armistead and Associates, Inc. a legal investigation firm specializing in defense investigations of homicides and other violent crimes. Ellis has investigated thousands of cases, both for the prosecution and the defense. He has worked with notable clients including the parents of JonBenét Ramsey, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, and the parents of Columbine shooter Eric Harris. (August 29, 2019)

E173 Bebe Buell was discovered by Eileen Ford when she was just seventeen. By eighteen, Bebe was living and making a living in New York as a fashion model. She’s been a Playboy Playmate (Nov. 1974), she’s a best selling author (Rebel Heart: An American Rock n Roll Journey), she’s dated and befriended some of rock’s most famous musicians, raised a kick-ass daughter (Liv Tyler) and is a performing artist with an upcoming single dropping on Black Friday 2019 with The Dandy Warhols. (September 5, 2019)

E174 Maureen Herman, former bassist for the punk rock band Babes in Toyland, is a writer and musician who is no stranger to showing you her scars. She’s candid about where she’s been, where she’s heading and how hard she tries to stay in the moment. Funny and engaging, Maureen has managed to channel her creativity into a force that, I’d venture to say, has acted like some kind of centripetal pull to keep her on the planet. She endured a lot, probably more than most of us would have been able to handle. Somewhere in her mad-genius is a gentle sweetness that draws you in, but don’t underestimate her. I’m pretty sure she sleeps with one eye open. Her new book drops July 2020, and the title says it all; It’s A Memoir, Motherfucker. (September 12, 2019)

E175 Pam has spent all of her seventy-four years in Los Angeles. She’s seen a lot of changes. Raised by her grandparents, because her parents were “doing other things,” Pam’s upbringing was slightly unconventional. She’s a contractor, a building manager, a mom, a community volunteer and a non-nonsense woman navigating the world with her dukes up and a wry smile on her face. She’s famous in her Los Feliz building for her quickly scrawled notes trying to get her tenants to shape up. In fact, Pam has an entire hashtag category devoted to her (#passiveaggressivepam) on Instagram. A spit-fire who’s been through a thing or two, she has no plans on slowing down. (September 19, 2019)

E176 Trevor Valle is a paleontologist, fossil preparator and fossil mitigation field technician.  He has been the featured expert on numerous television specials, including Mammoths Unearthed on the National Geographic Channel and the documentary Titans of the Ice Age.  Trevor began his career at Los Angeles’ Natural History Museum. He has worked fossil locality sites all over the world, including the United States, Mexico and Russia. (September 26, 2019)

E177 Meghan Cockram has Down Syndrome. Her sister Erin and mom Cheryl, along with Meghan, sit down to chat about life, love and the pursuit of happiness (spoiler alert: it might be French fries). This is an interesting and lively conversation with a family full up of love and understanding, teaching the world at large that folks with Down Syndrome are not so different than anybody else. (October 3, 2019)

E178 Jermaine Jackson saves lives. He’s a health specialist for the American Red Cross, a CPR and bloodborne pathogen instructor, as well as a disaster relief specialist. There are a lot of misconceptions about what to do in an emergency situation but Jermaine is here to clear things up (turns out that scene from The Office was on the money with “Staying Alive”). As if keeping the world at large safe from any number of mishaps wasn’t enough, he’s also an actor (Quarantine, Heroes and Southland, to name a few) and stand-up comic! (October 10, 2019)

E179 Layng Martine, Jr. wrote an essay for the NY Times Modern Love section about life with his wife after a tragic accident left her paralyzed. That essay blossomed into his book, Permission to Fly. In it, the hit songwriter (Elvis, Reba, Trisha Yearwood, among others) writes of his childhood misadventures, including a (possibly) near fatal car ride with a couple of (probably) serial killers, ruining a pool party at Benny Goodman’s, and nearly getting arrested a time or two. He shares a few of the stories (and a few extra) on this episode. (October 17, 2019)

E180 Jim Trick weighed over 400 lbs. by the time he was in his early 20s. He struggled over the years with his weight, even after undergoing a gastric bypass operation, until a documentary (Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead) and a fateful encounter with a woman named Gina changed the trajectory of his life, health and well being. Now a trim 220 lbs., Jim Trick is a motivational speaker, life coach and songwriter. Now he tours the world telling his story and helping people find a way to their own peace. (October 24, 2019)

E181 Jesus and Maria are undocumented immigrants from Durango, Mexico, living in the United States. They share their story of how they arrived, their day-to-day minutiae and how they navigate a sometimes hostile environment where deportation looms. (October 31, 2019)

E182 Matt Purzycki was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) when he was just four years old. In another room, at the hospital where young Matt was being treated, another little girl, Emily, was also in the battle of and for her life. Thirty years later, Matt is working on a documentary about his and Emily’s fates, and the experiences of other families who tried against all odds to fight Goliath and win. (November 7, 2019)

E183 Russ Woody‘s book Tuesdays With Ted is the true account of his father Woody’s battle with the deadly disease ALS, while Russ was writing for the hit show Becker (starring Ted Danson). Russ also authored Effed! and The Wheel of Nuldoid, AND he’s an Emmy- and Golden Globe-award-winning television writer (Murphy Brown and Cybill, respectively), producer and teacher of aspiring writers. Armed with a dark sense of humor, he’s a brilliant wordsmith, and has penned shows for Soap, Benson, Parenthood, Valerie, Mad About You, Fantasy Island, Newhart, St. Elsewhere and a pile of other hits. His upcoming book is about Hannibal Hamlin (Abraham Lincoln’s Vice President). We cover a lot of ground in this episode – airplanes be damned. (November 14, 2019)

E184 Frederick Falk has been practicing, perfecting and performing magic and mentalism for over 20 years. The Marine Corp veteran frequently performs at the world-famous Magic Castle, in Los Angeles, and you may have seen him on Penn and Teller’s Fool Us on the CW Network. We chatted about magic, marines, music, mentalism, mentors, muggles, psychology, the history of his magical journey and everything in between. (November 21, 2019)

E185 Dr. Kami Fletcher is an Associate professor of American & African American History at Albright College and President of The Collective for Radical Death Studies. She’s co-author of “Real Business: Maryland’s First Black Cemetery Journeys into the Enterprise of Death, 1807 – 1920” and the forthcoming Till Death Do Us Part: American Ethnic Cemeteries as Boarders Uncrossed (April 2020). We discuss death and death ritual past and present within the black community, as well as female deathwork, and 19th and early 20th century undertakers. Dr. Fletcher also touches on her own grieving process and death as resistance. (November 28, 2019)

E186 Sean Fitzharris had a psychotic break in his early twenties. What he thought was seasonal depression turned out to be the onset of his bipolar and schizophrenic mood disorders. He discusses the early warning signs of his illness, what it was like in its throes, his admittance to a psychiatric facility and the two years it took to regulate his brain chemistry to get his life back on track. (December 5, 2019)

E187 Holden Amory was driving down the freeway, in West Palm Beach on Interstate 95, when he was struck by a twenty pound metal chunk of road debris (likely a drum brake) that came hurtling through his windshield. Miraculously, he survived and even has great recollection of the event. Only 22 years old at the time, this aspiring singer-songwriter has looked at the accident, and his recovery since, as a positive in his life. (December 12, 2019)

E188 Lanny West has seen some things. He grew up in an abusive household, has had his share of addictions and wives, was a rainmaker in the music industry as a top-notch record promoter and music director living a life of fun and excess. But that life came with a price. Now on the other side; sober, faithful, born again, he’s determined to help others live a healthy lifestyle as president of Tipping Point Artist Wellness by sharing where he’s been, what he’s learned and where he’s going. (December 19, 2019)

E189 Susan Ruth with a message for you… (December 26th, 2019)

E190 Todd Michael Rogers was raised in the community of Vineyard Church, rooted in the charismatic renewal and historic evangelicalism movement. An active imagination set him apart from those around him, and eventually he chose his own path. He’s the inventor Spell Saga, a unique story-driven solitaire card game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world of fantasy. It contains themes of loss, identity & purpose. He’s also filmmaker and musician. (January 2, 2020) 

E191 Michael Angelo is a visual effects artist, documentarian, homeless advocate and fire performer in Venice Beach, California. He has spent the last seven years working on “A DocumenTree,” a film about the Treeman of Venice. He and Treeman recently launched the BeLeaflets campaign to help un-housed citizens connect to resources in their community, helping them to cross the bridge out of homelessness. (January 9, 2020)

E192 Barbara Moss has been many things. She was a temporary follower of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a writer and producer of community theatre, a hypnotherapist, a magician by the name of the Pixie Prestidigitator, and she’s about to launch her first podcast, “Who Wants to Know,” about inquires and rants on Boston. She’s a force of nature in a tiny body, contemplating life, death and possibilities. (January 16, 2020)

E193 Winter Breedlove is transgender, asexual and HIV Positive. She’s a brilliant writer and observer of the world around her. She grew up in a conservative home and was sent to gay conversion therapy. She has spent a lifetime trying to figure out exactly who she is, what she wants, and where she’s going. (January 23, 2020)

E194 Naomi Van Winkle grew up in a New England religious cult (King’s Chapel), under the “prophet” Syro (neé Jean Spademan). At eighteen, Naomi left the church and everything she had ever known to begin a new life. Host and creator of the podcast Cult in Connecticut, and writer of the book, Cult in my Living Room, Naomi is on a path of healing and trying to understand a childhood she had no control over. (January 30, 2020)

E195 Rich Baker is an actor, director, improvisor and writer. Author of the new book “Improv Made Easier,” and writer for Epic Rap Battles of History, Rich has performed all over the country with organizations like The Second City, ComedySportz Chicago, Mission Improvable and his award-winning troupe Rollin’ In Riches. He also directed the award-winning web series Third Shift. Rich and I chat about getting in the 10,000 hours, growing up in Texas, anger management and what it means to take chances and daring to fail. (February 6, 2020)

E196 Part One & Part Two. Athena Demos is a world traveler. I was trying to think of what to write about her, other than the obvious, that she’s brave and smart and funny. I decided I would just make a list of some words based on our conversation: Strippers, Understanding, Psychedelics, Q’ero, Forensic Science, Baptists, Growth, Forgiveness, Assault, Burning Man, Art, Family, Indigenous Women, Empathy, Hate, Robert Graham, Texas, Acting, Joy, Relationships. And a whole lot of in between. (February 13, 2020)

E197 Aaron Pesin is Happy the Clown and Granny Goose. He wants to bring joy to people but also to himself. His childhood environment in New York was tricky at times and he found that humor and making people around him laugh was a sure way to make things a little bit better. These days, clowns can get a bad rap but Aaron is breaking down stereotypes one smile and balloon animal at a time. (February 20, 2020)

E198 Dr. Rendi Murphree is an epidemiologist and has worked for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for years, recently retiring as a Captain from the United States Public Health Service. She’s currently devoting her time and skills to Alabama in their public health sector. Dr. Murphree has worked with Ebola, TB, Flu, food borne contaminates, Coronavirus (COVID-19), Lyme, STDs and a host of other diseases throughout her career. Now, please go wash your hands with soap and warm water. (February 27, 2020)

E199 Ghuan Featherstone is a cowboy. He is the founder and director of Urban Saddles, a community outreach program that is building “hope and opportunity for youth and community through the equine experience and the cowboy code of the west.” Kids and young adults come together to ride horses and learn what it means to be a cowboy. Outside of those stables, many come from troubled circumstances, gang violence and disrupted family units, but once they’re a part of Urban Saddles and its affiliate Lavender Hill Farm, it’s all about the horses, horticulture, husbandry and agriculture. Kids are learning to be leaders, one ride at a time. (March 5, 2020)

E200 J.D. Souther is a legendary performing songwriter. He’s penned some of the world’s most iconic songs, including; “You’re Only Lonely,” “New Kid In Town,” “Heartache Tonight,” “Her Town Too,” “Heart of the Matter” and well, you get the picture. When he’s not penning songs or touring the world performing them, you might find him acting in shows like Nashville, 30 Something, Postcards From the Edge, among others. On this episode J.D. talks music, art, inspiration, a trip to Cuba with Woody Harrelson, and the time he got shot at while chilling in his livingroom. (March 12, 2020)

(Supplemental to E198): Dr. Rendi Murphree is back with an update on SARS CoV2 (COVID-19). Things are changing rapidly — I asked her to update us. Please stay safe and stay home.  (March 16, 2020)

E201 Christian Barth takes us on a deep dive in his new book The Garden State Parkway Murders: A Cold Case Mystery (WildBlue Press – Jan 2020), exploring the possible suspects in the tragic murders of Susan Davis and Elizabeth Perry, two 19-year-olds found stabbed to death one week after Memorial Day in 1969, in New Jersey. Half a century later, there are more questions than answers. Was it Ted Bundy? Gerald Stano? Or one of several other suspects? Barth has spent nine years painstakingly researching the clues and going down the rabbit holes. (March 19, 2020)

E202 Lauren Holiday has managed to pack a lot of living into the first half of her life. It hasn’t all been rosy. She’s overcome some bad stuff. She’s strong. She’s funny. She’s searching and she’s open to discovery. She’s lived in her car and she’s braved standup stages. She’s found love a few times and she’s grown as a result. It hasn’t always been easy, but, as far as I can tell, she didn’t come here for easy. (March 26, 2020)

E203 Tony Kim‘s childhood had its traumas. He was in and out of foster care and had to find his way through a lot of bumps and falters. He served in the military (Navy) and broke a few rules. He’s done drugs, lived in his car, done stand up, built things and went from being an atheist to touching upon the mathematics of God. We talk about Crisco, weed and pineapples, too. This is the companion episode to E202 (Tony’s fiancée Lauren Holiday) but it definitely stands alone, too. (April 2, 2020)

E204 MADEbyJIMBOB is a satirical cartoonist. His wildly popular and often trolled Instagram account, @madebyjimbob, covers topics like socialism, religion, cults, Trump, Obama, conspiracy, technocracy, science, dictators, activism and everything in between. We dig into his thought processes and beliefs and how he translates them into his art and commentary. This is JIMBOB’s second appearance on the show. (April 9, 2020)

E205 Donavan Freberg is a character. Technically, as an actor and voice over actor, he’s been many characters. Son of advertising genius (and satirist, v.o. actor, recording artist, puppeteer, comic) Stan Freberg and producer Donna Freberg, Donavan grew up under the free-spirited wing of Hollywood elite. As Donavan describes it; “childhood was a Wonka infused cross between the Osbournes & The Royal Tennenbaums…as seen through the eyes of Tim Burton, David Lynch, and Woody Allen. I didn’t get the name “Donavan” till I was 5 years old and Santa Claus named me. In July.” (April 16,2020)

E206 John Penney is an award-winning screenwriter, filmmaker, producer, writer, and teaches directing at the Los Angeles Film School. He also makes wine (along with a business partner) that is delicious. For those of you into the horror genre, you may recognize some of John’s films, including: Return of the Living Dead 3 and The Kindred, as well as his books, Truck Stop and Killing Time. Horror, wine, childhood, Ray Bradbury, children of divorce, creativity and how to find truth in writing, are some of the topics covered in this episode. (April 23, 2020)

E207 Adrian Gomez is a skinhead. Maybe not the kind you’ve heard of (me neither). The original skinheads were from UK working-class outsider subculture, mixing mod fashion and black Jamaican music (and fashion) inspired by Jamaican “rude boys.” Adrian discovered the music that spoke to him when he was a young man. He, and those who identify with the original ideology of skinhead subculture, are doing their best to take back the name that hate has appropriated, one mosh pit at a time. (April 30, 2020)

E208 Sherrie Adams knows a thing or two about modern love. As a matchmaker, she has helped countless couples connect and find “happily ever after.” Sherrie offers tips and practices to help you on that first date, and talks about the ups and downs of dating in the modern world, as well as what the future holds in these trying times when even the idea of a hug sounds daunting. Sherrie is working on her first book about matchmaking, and she’s also a stand-up comic! (May 7, 2020)

E209 Dylan Scott has been to jail, a psych ward and rehab. He’s been on life support, in a black-out and on the edge of, well, all the edges. He had dreams that he derailed and now he has new dreams. He’s been sober for a while and he’s figuring things out. His story is worth the listen. Being human is hard but he’s trying. (May 14, 2020)

E210 Chauncey Bowers is a retired research scientist. These days he crafts and performs brilliant, surreal songs and hilarious, insightful Facebook posts. He’s a layered enchilada of Leonard Cohen, John Prine, Hunter S. Thompson and that quirky science professor you had, who you thought may have secretly discovered a doorway to another dimension. In this episode, we discuss science, placebos, magic, metaphysics, lucid dreaming, nature, man’s search for meaning, music, physics, his brief stint as a repo man, confirmation bias, and a whole lot of stuff in between. (May 21, 2020)

E211 Argot Murelius travels the world writing about food, wine, art and design. She is the Executive Director of 12Forward, and profiles culinary innovators and chefs for White Paper, the magazine tied to White Guide (Scandinavia’s premier restaurant guide). The daughter of a diplomat, her childhood was an adventure. As an adult, she learned her family had a few secrets up their sleeve. (May 28, 2020)

E212 Aleah Rose, is a certified sex, love and relationship coach for women, men, and couples who want to awaken and explore their intimacy and sexuality. Known as The Sexy Mystic, she incorporates a wide range of practices from conscious communication and intimacy coaching to incorporating elements of Sacred Kink, Tantra, Sacred plant medicine, and Sex Magic. (June 4, 2020)

E213 Tony Green has been teaching Social Studies and African American Studies at California’s Bishop O’Dowd school for over three decades. He’s seen a lot of this country’s turmoil. Why are we fighting against a shared human history that dates back to our collective First Mother, Mitochondrial Eve? We discuss the past, the future, community, Malcolm X, Ancient Egypt, The Age of Discovery, protests, freedom, the Bandung Conference, Long Hot Summers, economics, race mythologies and some of our favorite writers. (June 11, 2020)

E214 Jesse Robkin is a Trans woman and playwright. She was one of Hey Human® podcast’s first ever guests in 2016. Since then she has graduated from college, written a play (Austin’s Home) and continued with her transition. She has big plans and finally feels like she’s in a grounded place. The future is bright. (June 18, 2020)

E215 Richard-Lael Lillard is a clairvoyant, medium, paranormal investigator, actor and celebrity impersonator human. He has been outside of the “norm” since he was a little boy. He saw and heard things other people couldn’t. He knew things, secret things, and as he grew up, he realized that his “weird” was actually a gift and with his gift he could help people see past themselves and hear past the “static” of their own thoughts. Richard-Lael has traveled all over the world and explored the extrasensory and extraordinary. June 25, 2020)

E216 Enes Cerić was born and raised in Jajce, Bosina, to a Muslim family. While he was in college, the unimaginable happened. The Bosnian war (Apr 6, 1992 – Dec 14, 1995) atrocities and genocide have been well-documented and to this day, thousands of people are still missing. Neighbors turned to enemies, and Enes fought for survival against people he’d known his whole life. He lost friends and family and had to bury his best friend, Adnan, in the middle of the night to avoid sniper fire. Enes spent part of the war as a translator and convey leader for the International Rescue Committee, bringing those in need necessary aid, food and water.  Eventually, as a refugee, he came to America to start a new life. Producer’s Note: There is a ghostly message in this episode. During recording, a voice was captured on tape that was neither Susan, nor Enes and we think it’s saying hello to Enes, using his childhood nickname. Could it be Adnan? (July 2, 2020)

E217 Elizabeth Elkins is an historian, songwriter and artist. Her book, Hidden History of Music Row (co-authored with Vanessa Olivarez and Brian Allison) comes out on August 31st of this year. She and Olivarez are also in the band Granville Automatic and their new album, Tiny Televisions, drops on September 11th. She’s also in the band The Swear (their new single, “I Sold My Soul on Gallatin Road,” is out now). Elkins is keenly aware each step she takes is rooted in histories known and unknown and is determined to dig deep and expose what she can through written word and song. Elkins has more than 50 cuts and her songs have appeared in television programs from ABC to the CW, MTV to FX. She is also the President of the Board of Historic Nashville, Inc. (July 9, 2020)

E218 Gary Dontzig is a multi-Emmy-winning television writer and producer (Murphy Brown), a screenwriter and actor, a vegan and a cancer survivor. He’s written and produced for many hit shows, including Suddenly Susan, Becker, Hannah Montana and A Different World. His acting resume lists Laverne & Shirley, Logan’s Run, Chico and the Man, and The Waltons, among others, and he has a list of creative accomplishments a mile long. When diagnosed with cancer, something about it felt off. Gary listened to his intuition, began to research, and made a discovery that ultimately saved his life. He’s known true love and deep heartache, and has delved deep into life’s most profound mysteries. During the AIDS crisis, he lost many dear friends. Against the odds, he launched a new career at forty.  Now he spends his time in Sante Fe, enjoying the sunrise, cooking, memorizing poetry and working on scripts. His mantra? A single word — but finding it was hard won: Gratitude. (July 16, 2020)

E219 Mike Disa is an animator, writer and director and has animated some of the biggest Disney movies on the planet, including Tarzan, Mulan, Hercules, and Pocahontas. He was raised in a violent neighborhood in Chicago and by the time he made it to adulthood (a feat in itself) he’d already been “a thief, a smuggler, a thug and a gangster.” He lost friends and found himself on the wrong end of a few fights. He has worked and learned from Ralph Bakshi, Glenn Vilppu, and Steven Spielberg and has directed six feature films and created hundreds of hours of television, including the wildly popular Wacky Races and Rob Zombie’s The Haunted World of El Superbeasto. We discuss art, commerce, God, philosophy, crime, education and his recent endeavor as writer/director of the serial podcast experience, Sentinels: Point of No Return. (July 23, 2020)

E220 Lisa Machenberg is an instructor at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California, where she teaches medical hypnosis, crisis intervention, hypnotic regression, defense mechanisms, and ethics & law. Her hypnotherapy practice includes, fertility, pain management, fears and phobia elimination and habit control. You may have seen Lisa on Bravo as the “Hypno-mom,” helping parents learn how to use hypnosis to become the moms and dads they have always wanted to be. She is also a certified past-life hypnotherapist, as well as multi-verse and future-live hypnotherapist. (July 30, 2020)

E221 Amir Abdullah is a Muslim American playwright and actor. We chat about his experiences with racism and Islamophobia, Shakespeare and the theatre, his tight knit family, activism, and the places he finds solace and understanding about himself and the world at large. No stranger to television, film and stage, some of Amir’s credits include, Empire and Chicago Med, the narration of audiobooks for Kwame Mbalia’s “Tristan Strong Punches A Hole In The Sky,” and Eric Jerome Dickey’s “The Business of Lovers,” and he’s performed Macbeth and closed an extended run of Raisin in the Sun. (August 6, 2020)

E222 Anonymous Police Officer is a retired SWAT negotiator, law enforcement deputy, and police training director. He gives his perspective on police brutality, police unions, BLM, protests, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, No-knock warrants and he also touched on his experience as a hostage negotiator.  (August 13, 2020)
E223 David Greenberger has been listening to elderly and disabled people tell their stories, share their thoughts, and dream their dreams, his whole life. Sometimes the word-bursts came in non sequitur, sometimes as a memory so vivid, it was like David had stepped back in time and experienced it first-hand with its storyteller. He knew he had to share what he was hearing, and before long, The Duplex Planet zine was born. It quickly grew in popularity, celebrated by art houses and it-crowds, alike. Eventually, The Duplex Planet morphed into what it is today; albums made up of stories and orchestrations that offer a glimpse into the lives of the forgotten and marginalized. (August 20, 2020)
E224 Mark Islam is an associate producer for The Amazing Race and he’s one of my most favorite people on the planet. He’s a performing-songwriter who has hosted many songwriter events with his famous friends (and their famous friends) to raise tens of thousands of dollars for charity. He’s everybody’s favorite plus one and Los Angeles wouldn’t be the same without him! He shares a few stories, his favorite actors and movies and some LA insights for a delightfully laid-back conversation filled with his self-deprecating humor and uproarious laugh! (August 27, 2020)
E225 Dr. Erin Macdonald is an astrophysicist. She refers to herself as a “tattooed Scottish-American Slytherin N7 Rebel from Starfleet Academy.” She’s an educator (find her on Twitch and YouTube — “Dr. Erin Explains the Universe”), voice actor, and she hosts a Star Trek Sunday Brunch where she discusses the show with someone who’s watching it for the first time. As if that wasn’t cool enough, she’s also a science consultant for the Star Trek universe. We talk about black holes, Severus Snape, Voyager, gravitational waves, the nature of our Universe, wormholes and a whole lot more. (September 3, 2020) 
E226 Dr. Patch Adams is a physician, clown, social activist and author. He founded the Gesundheit! Institute (Donate Here) in 1971 and has been tirelessly traveling the globe to raise awareness and money to complete his vision for the institute. His ultimate dream for this facility, which is located in rural West Virginia, is for it to be a hospital that offers free, holistic and medical care to anyone who wants it. He believes that that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process and that true healthcare, therefore, must incorporate those aspects of life. He sums it up this way, “The role of a clown and a physician are the same – it’s to elevate the possible and to relieve suffering.” (September 10, 2020)
E227 Robbie Quinn is an award-winning photographer, world traveler and author of the upcoming book, “Street Unicorns.” He has collected his captivating and vibrant images of the people he meets on the street, as he moves about on his adventures. He says, “I call them all Street Unicorns, bold expressionists of style. Not measured by the extent of being unconventional, but by the common fact that they resist choosing what is expected of them by advertising, friends, family and society in general.” He’s learned a lot about humanity by looking at the world through his own unique lens. (September 17, 2020)

E228 Roland Cochrun has been at the top of his game several times over. An admitted over-achiever and perfectionist, it took a lot of soul searching for him to realize continuing at such a break-neck pace would be unsustainable and cost him greatly. Now he helps other people to realize their goals and shows them how to achieve without destroying other aspects of their lives, like family, friends and partners. (September 24, 2020)

E229 Eric Jones was on his way to classes on September 11th, 2001, when he saw a fireball erupting from the direction of the Pentagon. He didn’t hesitate. As a volunteer firefighter and EMS, he knew he had skills that would be useful, and for the next few days he pulled survivors and then bodies from the wreckage of Flight 77’s tragic crash. From there, Eric drove straight to Ground Zero in New York, where he spent a few weeks working tirelessly as a rescue worker. For his unwavering courage and fortitude in serving his fellow human, Eric was awarded the Medal of Valor. It’s the highest honor the United States awards civilians. Raised in a family of deep values and honor (his grandfather was an original Tuskegee Airman), Eric once again sprang into action after the devastating 2010 earthquake that took the lives of over 250,000 Haitians. Today, Eric’s focus is in helping people with PTSD, depression, trauma, anxiety and recovery through his foundation, by taking them out on the water and teaching them about the sea and sailing. (October 1, 2020) 

E230 Serena Davidson was raised Jehovah’s Witness. As she entered her twenties, all the questions she had been suppressing about who she is and how she fit into the JW way of life came to a boiling point. Facing ostracism, she made a huge decision. Now, years later, as the founder of the Free Range Sex movement, Serena is helping people who grew up in shame-based and/or high-control environments learn to find their their own voice and sexuality. (October 8, 2020)

E231 Taylor Conley sat in a courtroom on Wednesday, June 4th, 2008 and heard the verdict. The jury had deliberated for 8 1/2 hours and declared Taylor guilty of aggravated murder, and first degree felony murder, in the death of Brian Swelah. Taylor was sentenced to life without possibility of parole.  All these years later, his case is up for appeal, as evidence has been brought forth regarding false witness statements, coercion of witnesses and retribution politics. Taylor maintains his innocence, but admits he was “doing bad things back then, with bad people.” Now he spends his days helping others inside prison walls find a way to channel their emotions and find their purpose. His podcast, “Life of a Lifer,” gives insight into the daily lives of those incarcerated. He and his wife, Cecilia, also started the magazine Inside Designed Conviction, The Magazine and its sister publication Outside Designed Conviction, The Magazine. (October 15, 2020)

E232 Father Mikeis a Roman Catholic priest. He entered seminary as a young man and has devoted his life to the Church and his fellow humans. He believes in miracles and the Word and wishes some humans lived their lives as if they were already in Heaven (instead of saving good deeds, words and actions for when they get there). We chatted about religion, philosophy, history, tomes, saints, a-ha moments, bullies, crises of faith, the nature of good and evil, love and so much more. (October 22, 2020)

E233 Dr. Jack Brown is a body language and emotional intelligence expert, as well as a physician. He works with negotiators, sales people, executives, politicians, tv and film directors, private clients and those who are simply looking to accurately interpret others’ body language, as well as to learn techniques to present one’s own nonverbal signals in a more nuanced way. His wildly popular Twitter account (@DrGJackBrown) has amassed a huge following as he breaks down the body language of those in the public/political arena. We chat about his work, sociopaths, film actors’ chops, nonverbal cues, and our mutual love for The West Wing. (October 29, 2020)

E234 Melody Guy has survived enough for several lifetimes.  From childhood sexual abuse to a kidnapping when she was in her late teens, to a traumatic brain injury from a transformer explosion (she’s even been sucker-punched in a bar fight). She’ll be the first to tell you life isn’t fair, but she’s also proud of what she’s accomplished and endured.  “Melody Guy can take a punch” has been her life’s mantra and she’s gonna stay in the ring no matter what. (November 5, 2020)

E235 Ben Andrewsis a former Jehovah’s Witness and the founder of the Seattle Film Summit (SFS). He’s also a director, actor and producer. Ben and I chat about the nature of God, possible existence of seraphim, roads not taken, sex, religion, multiverse theories and how being an artist can be daunting. We talk about the SFS and how its grown to be a force in, not only the Seattle film scene, but as a global presence, as well. (November 12, 2020)

E236 Dr. Fred Calef is a geologist and data scientist for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is the geospatial information scientist for the Mars Curiosity Rover and maps the terrain of the red planet. We discuss his work, the transpermia theory, rocks, microbes, Rovers, humans living off Earth and what I’d look like if I’d been born on Mars. (November 19, 2020)

E237 Richard Dresseris an award-winning playwright, screenwriter, teacher and author. His debut novel, It Happened Here, is an oral history of an American family dealing with life in a totalitarian state. He’s also co-producing a documentary about the Berrigan brothers, antiwar priests and activists. Over the past twenty years, his plays have been widely produced on and off Broadway, in the nation’s leading regional theaters, and extensively throughout Europe. He has worked on a number of series including HBO’s “Vietnam War Stories” for which he won a cable ACE award, “The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd” starring Blair Brown, “The Job” starring Denis Leary, and “The Education of Max Bickford” starring Richard Dreyfuss, to name a few. He also wrote the Beach Boys musical Good Vibrations which started at New York Stage & Film and later ran on Broadway. (November 26, 2020)

E238 Rantz Hoseley is the “son of a grifter,” had a serial killer (alleged) for an assistant scout master, crashed on good friend Tori Amos’ couch, won both the Eisner Award and Harvey Award, worked for Disney, is a senior editor at Z2 Comics, is a screenwriter and art director, has worked on videos for bands like Aerosmith and the Scorpions, directed music videos from Sixx: A.M. and Motley Crue, and has managed to shove a whole lot of interesting into his life, so far. (December 3, 2020)

E239 Dr. Stephen Granade is a physicist, research scientist (lasers and robotics), and writer of both interactive and regular fiction. He’s hosted a science YouTube series for NASA (“No Small Steps) and has his own shows on YouTube, as well (“Ever Wonder Why? and “Let’s Play Interactive”). He specializes in sensors for robotic vehicles. Dr. Granade has worked on sensors that can read your fingerprint from 10 feet away, systems that let unpiloted helicopters land automatically, sensors for Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and a video-based sensor that helped guide the Space Shuttle to the Hubble Space Telescope.  (December 10, 2020)

E240 Keri Bean has a Mars driver’s license and drives the Curiosity rover on its surface. She’s a systems engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory for Curiosity, Perseverance and the Mars helicopter Ingenuity. She’s also an atmospheric scientist. She’s a huge Star Wars fan (of course!) and builds robots for fun. (December 17, 2020)

E241 Santa Claus is a beloved icon of goodness, joy and cheer and a champion for children (young and old) everywhere. With a little bit of magic and a whole lot of believe, the interview took place amid all the hustle and bustle of the North Pole. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All. (December 24, 2020)

E242 Kyle Lampiis an individualized fitness and nutrition coach. He believes in a whole body, whole life approach and that no two people are alike in their needs while achieving their goals. We discuss food, exercise, sleep, poop (yes, poop), sunlight and emotional connections to health and wellness. (December 31, 2020)

E243 Howard Michael Gouldis a Clio-award-winning (former) adman, and showrunner/producer of award-winning televison. He’s written plays and authored books and he’s also a screenwriter. His comic-laden gumshoe noir novels Last Looks (2018) and Below the Line (2019) follow Former LAPD detective Charlie Waldo on madcap cases. He wrote and directed The Six Wives of Henry Lefay and his other feature credits include Mr. 3000 and Shrek the Third. The film adaptation of Last Looks comes out this year. (January 7, 2021)

E244 Sheena Renea(then Eastburn) was sentenced in 1995 to life in prison with no chance for parole for her part in the murder of her ex-husband, Tim Eatburn, at the age of 17. The evidence pointed to three teenage suspects: 18-year-old Matt Myers, 19-year-old Terry Banks and Sheena Eastburn, who was dating Terry at the time of the murder. Sheena had been just 15 years old when she married Tim Eastburn, and was 16 when they divorced. Convicted as a minor to life without parole, it wasn’t until the Supreme Court deemed such sentences against minors unconstitutional that Sheena would see her sentenced changed from murder in the first-degree to murder in the second degree with a possibility of parole. Now, her life is dedicated to helping young people redirect their lives and avoid the mistakes she made, she’s also putting together curriculum for families who have a member heading to or being released from prison. As well, Sheena is the founder of Prison Did Not Break Me, a resource, advocate and community driven platform to help the previously incarcerated, and their families. (January 14, 2021)

E245 Kevin Clark is a substance abuse counselor, trauma specialist, and author of The New Prophet (a nod to beloved poet and philosopher Khalil Gibran). He’s climbed several of his own mountains of pain and strife to be where he is today and recently marked his 14th year of sobriety in December of 2019. Kevin spends his days helping others with their own pain and addiction through his Excelsior Addiction Services clinic. (January 21, 2021)

E246 Josie Alstonis mom to Will, a boy with autism, global apraxia, sensory integration disorder and dyslexia. She is the Clinical Director of the Voice and Swallowing Clinic and Chief of the Division of Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Josie’s helped patients relearn how to talk after major surgery, and musical stars find healthier ways to sing. She’s worked with stutterers and folks with vocal fry. In this episode, she talks openly about the triumphs and challenges she and other parents of special needs kids face, as well as some of her work’s day-to-day activities. She also recently received her first dose of the COVID19 vaccine. (January 28, 2021)

E247 Navaris Darson is a gay, black man who grew up in a close and religious Southern family in Fayetteville, Georgia. He’s an actor (Two Broke Girls, American Horror Story, Home, Will and Grace), a writer, and has taught Improv at the Groundlings. We chat about upbringing, love, diversity in film and television, religion, spirituality and the never-ending search for life’s meaning. (February 4, 2021)

E248 Chris Kerr, M.D., PhD., is a hospice physician and End-of-Life researcher. He’s the acclaimed author of Death is But a Dream and the Chief Medical Officer at The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care, in Buffalo, NY. He has researched thousands of patients’ dreams and visions at the end of their lives and has found overwhelming data that supports “a better, less fearful aspect to end of life which includes…inner, subjective experiences. In multiple studies, we have demonstrated that the majority of dying patients experience pre-death dreams which are described as ‘more real than real’ and increase in frequency as death nears.” He most recently was featured on the Netflix special “Surviving Death” and his work has been featured in The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, the BBC and more. His TEDx talk, “I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying,” has garnered millions of views.  Death is But a Dream is also the title of the upcoming documentary about Dr. Kerr’s work.  (February 11, 2021)

E249 Alan Zweibel cut his comedic teeth in the Catskills writing jokes for comics in the Borscht Belt. He was one of the original Saturday Night Live writers (Zweibel wrote many of its memorable sketches, including the Samurai character for John Belushi and he helped to create the characters of Gilda Radner’s Roseanne Roseannadanna and Emily Litella). The 5x Emmy award winner was a co-creator of It’s Garry Shandling’s Show and a consulting producer on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He wrote a Tony Award-winning play, 700 Sundays, with his longtime friend Billy Crystal, won the Thurber Prize for American Humor for his novel The Other Shulman: A Novel, and most recently co-wrote the feature film Here Today (also with Billy Crystal) that stars Crystal and Tiffany Haddish. He’s written over a dozen books, hit television shows, and several movies. (February 18, 2020)

E250 Matt Hundley is working to become one with the land, nurturing it into a sustainable, fertile environment that can support a copacetic and bountiful harvest, yielding its food and water while maintaining its natural, renewable abundance. As a homesteader and founder of Tennessee Homestead Design, he puts his skills to use as a permaculture designer and regenerative farmer to help his family and his clients to co-exist with the earth, harmoniously. He also happens to be a dang fine fiddler, and performing songwriter. (February 25, 2021)

E251 Vanessa Lech is the founder of Carolina Addiction and Anger Management, PLLC. She is a clinical addiction specialist and a clinical social worker. We chat about anger, passive aggressive behavior, addiction as it relates to emotion and some of the nuances of her practice. (March 4, 2021)

E252 Anna Swensonbegan her work in end-of-life care in 2015. She was one of the first team members at Recompose, a company that uses “natural organic reduction” to transform human remains into soil, allowing for a much smaller environmental impact (1/8 the energy) than conventional burial or cremation practices. “Recompose utilizes the principles of nature to return bodies to the land, sequestering carbon and improving the health of our natural surroundings,” providing an end-of-life option that replenishes the earth, rather than depleting it. (March 11, 2021)

E253 Kate Hasting and Josh Beale are the founding members of the group Hasting & Co. They’ve spent years honing their sound; a mix of roots, rock, humor, and what they call a midwestern “country authenticity.” Their recent single, “Canadian Tuxedo,” is a winking take on the traditional girl-seeks-boy scenario. Kate and Josh are best friends and creative partners on a journey of music, self-discovery, growth, brutal honesty. and being true to their own voice. Though their star is on the rise, the past couple of years have been bumpy as they’ve had to navigate a few major tragedies, including the loss of Kate’s dad, in a horrific car accident (that also left her mother critically injured) and Josh’s dad, who succumbed to his life-long battle with a rare form of leukemia. (March 18, 2021)

E254 Ramona Holloway is well known as a co-host of WLNK’s syndicated “The Matt and Ramona Show” out of Charlotte, NC. She’s also known on Twitter and Facebook as the woman who cares for her mother Louise (“Wheezy”) since a dementia diagnosis changed both of their lives forever. Ramona isn’t shy about documenting her joy and sorrows, frustrations and small victories in caretaking for Wheezy. They have a mother-daughter bond that seems to connect so deeply, that even when Wheezy doesn’t recognize Ramona as her own daughter, she still understands there is a deep love between them. (March 25, 2021)

E255 Dr. Max Frieder is an artist, educator and co-founder of Artolution, a foundation that empowers children and families through collaborative public arts initiatives that engage communities in creative experiences to promote healing, resilience and positive social change. Max’s work has taken him all over the world to refugee camps, hospital workshops, war-torn landscapes, schools and villages. Through art there is trauma relief, reconciliation, and conflict resolution. Through conflict resolution there is new found community building. Through community building there is beauty, possibility and above all, hope. (April 1, 2021)

E256 Ben Ewing had shoulder pain that wouldn’t go away. He thought maybe he’d pulled something playing golf. As he sat across from the doctor he let the words sink in…”you have cancer.” In this episode, Ben talks about his startling, terminal diagnosis, his observations about the time he has left and some of the best music he’s ever heard. (April 8, 2021)

E257 Barbara Caplan-Bennett was diagnosed with desmoplastic melanoma (a type of skin cancer) and, after a few surgeries and doctor’s recommendations, decided the best course of action to keep the cancer from spreading throughout her body was to remove her nose. In her memoir, “Noseworthy: How I Battled Melanoma by Giving Up My Nose to Save My Life,” she recounts the experience in detail. Today, she is thriving and has grown accustomed to her appearance sans nez, and when she’s wearing her prosthetic nose, you’d have to look pretty close to notice anything but normalcy (whatever that is, right?) and a beautiful woman. Please get yourself checked! 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. (April 15, 2021)

E258 Tevin Tavares has done more in the first quarter century of his life than some people do in the whole of theirs. He’s an award-winning filmmaker, producer and director. He’s also an actor and was a commercial creative director.  When Tavares produced an original video of Kendrick Lamar’s LUST, the Oakland Native went viral and put him on a short and coveted list of the industry’s “Ones to Watch.’ Currently, you can see his directorial series debut on Amazon’s “Top Class: The Life and Times of the Sierra Canyon Trailblazers.” (April 22, 2021)

E259 Carrie Akreis a legend in the Seattle music scene. As the frontwoman for bands like Hammerbox, Goodness and the Rockfords with Pearl Jam’s Mike McCready, she rocked sold out shows and was a household name across the Pacific Northwest. She also released four critically acclaimed solo albums. She’s focusing now on supporting people making big changes in their lives, as an intuitive life coach. When we chatted, she’d recently lost a friend to suicide and our conversation turned to some big thoughts about death and life. We also talked about our celebrity crushes, women in music, what success looks like, the brutal lessons of navigating the music industry and following one’s heart. (April 29, 2021)

E260 Nelson Tressler‘s memoir, “The Unlucky Sperm Club,” is a journey fantastical. Except it’s real. Born of a traumatic event, he unwittingly became the catalyst for a young policeman’s murder. Was it vengeance, misguided rage or a case of mistaken identity? Tressler shares the family’s not-so-secret secret that shook his small town. He may have been born on the “wrong side of the tracks.” Numerous obstacles, including a learning disability, made it seem like life was stacked against him, but still he went on to become a self-made millionaire. (May 6, 2021)

E261 Dr. Roberta Kung is an anesthesiologist, mind-body health practitioner and founder and CEO of Gifted Taste. We discussed neurodivergent kids, medicine, the Myth of the Model Minority, racism, the Mother Wound, women empowerment, men’s intuition, Chi, social constructs, the belly-brain connection, and so much more. (May 13, 2021)

E262 Robyn Rosenkrantz & Michael Gloverare Bright Blue Gorilla. With their unique brand of music (a little bit story, a little bit comic, a little bit wild and crazy), they’ve traveled all over the world. Most recently, they released their film 36 Husbands, a musical-comedy-kung fu movie. We discuss their jet-set adventures, movies, their big acting break, songwriting and the practice of being in practice. (May 20, 2021)

E263 Dr. Joshua Smith is an Evangelical pastor and the author of “Robotic Persons: Our Future with Social Robots.” We discuss how he came to his faith and how he views the modern Evangelical. Digging into his book, we discuss the responsibilities, rules and ethics of Artificial Intelligence, “personhood,” Imago Dei, what the future holds for humans with labor, war, sex and companionship robots, and so much more. (May 27, 2021)

E264 B. Jeffrey Madoff is the founder of Madoff Productions and the genius behind commercials and branded content for Victoria Secret, Ralph Lauren, Radio City and Tiffany, to name a few. His best-seller, “Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas,” is based on the class he developed and teaches at Parsons School of Design. Madoff’s musical, “Personality: The Lloyd Price Musical,” based on Rock & Roll Hall of Fame legend Lloyd Price, will debut in February, 2022, at the world renowned People’s Light Theatre. We discuss creativity, making your way as a creative, life, death, philosophy and what it means to dive into one’s passion. (June 3, 2021) 

E265 John Fusco has been making films since he was a kid in his neighborhood, shooting on Super 8. The author, screenwriter, producer and musician has created over a dozen films, including; Young Guns (I, II) Thunderheart, Hidalgo, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, The Babe, The Shack, The Highwaymen and tv’s Marco Polo. His upcoming film, The Wind and the Reckoning, about Hawaiian Paniolo is currently in post-production. We chat storytelling, characters, creativity, philosophy and the importance of what’s just beneath the surface. (June 10, 2021)

E266 Jeannie Alexander is Executive Director of No Exceptions Prison Collective. Its mission focuses on sentencing reform, internal prison conditions and the abolition of all private prisons. She is also a co-founding resident of Harriet Tubman House, an interfaith community dedicated to restorative practices in earth stewardship and human rights. She served as the Head Chaplain at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution. (June 17, 2021)

E267 Paul Evans Pedersen, Jr. is many things: Retired firefighter, musician, folklorist, journalist and author. He seems to have what Stephen King calls “The Shining,” too. He could tell you tales to make your hair stand on end. We discuss ghosts, devils, aliens, arsonists, technology, a whistling stranger and his latest collection of stories; The Legendary Pine Barrens: New Tales From Old Haunts. (June 24, 2021)

E268 Shirley Wainess spent her childhood feeling unsafe, and yet found an inner strength that would carry her through incredible experiences, including a paralyzing car accident, NDEs, illnesses and tragedies. By 16, she was a trapeze artist and has since been in banking, nursing, film/tv and improv. Wow! (July 1, 2021)

E269 Riaz Patel is working to help humans see past labels and biases. His show “Four Chairs” (Facebook) connects people who seemingly have nothing in common and brings them together with common ground. He’s the creator of the EPIC System of communication and “Transformation Experiences.” A voice of reason in an ever-divided landscape, the Pakistani-American, dad, husband, Muslim, liberal, gay, Emmy & NAACP-Image Award -nominated, producer, creator, immigrant even formed an unlikely friendship with Glenn Beck!  (July 8, 2021)

E270 Dr. Moran Cerf reminds me of a Rubik’s Cube. He’s a fascinating jumble of neuroscientist, businessman, educator, inventor, storyteller, hacker and philosopher. This curiosity-driven, fast-talking polymath of independent, unique moving parts, fits all together (seemingly) effortlessly. Brain hacking, decision-making, dream exploration, consciousness, and studying the brain from within are some of the topics we discuss. (July 15, 2021)

E271 Naomi Grossmanis larger than life, packing a lot of punch and filling the room despite her small frame. She’s an award-winning writer of one-woman plays about coming of age and sexual awakenings. She’s “Pepper,” “Samantha Crowe,” and currently “Rabid Ruth” on American Horror Story. She’s got an Emmy nom and an impressive resume playing characters from film and tv. We discuss sexy Argentinian soccer players, parental sex memoirs, Christian Science, self-discovery, benefits of being the “weird” kid, and more! (July 22, 2021) 

E272 Dr. Melanie Curtis-Andrews, the co-founder and artistic director of Inner City Shakespeare Ensemble, has spent her entire life educating others. She’s received numerous accolades and awards, taught and empowered thousands of bright, young minds (with the Ensemble and an over 30-year career in South L.A. schools; including Washington Preparatory High School and Compton High) and she, herself, has the distinction of having read, directed, designed or performed every Shakespeare play. (July 29, 2021)

E273 Cliff Oxford, born and raised on Swamp Road in Waycross, Gerogia, received a double major in history and political science from Emory. He’s the founder of Cliffco Think Tank, has written for the New York Times and Forbes magazine. The three-time author’s newest book, Redneck Reverie: The Rationale for the Trump Phenomenon, tells the story of why “America’s rural vote in 2016 was a rebuke and payback for economic decimation that is plaguing thousands of rural communities across the country.” It also bares witness to the “devastating impact of policies and power on his homeland.” (August 5, 2021)

E274 Megs Colleen started to realize the person she was told she was, wasn’t the person she actually was, which, from a young age, created confusion and defiance in her, and made her feel like a misfit. She now calls herself an “unholy outsider,” a far step from the Evangelical past she turned her back on. Now a seeker, life coach and the host and founder of “The Reclamation Podcast,” she helps others find their way back to themselves.(August 12, 2021)

E275 Dr. Frances Yahia is a mental health counselor, Akashic records reader, archetypal astrologer, and has studied metaphysics for more than three decades. We discuss her growing up in a cult, religion, spiritual realms, the power of Myth, dreams and so much more! (August 19, 2021)

E276 Jason Rogers is an American saber fencer, two-time Olympian and Olympic silver medalist. He’s a regular contributor to Men’s Health magazine and started “The Mandate Letter” online, where he explores themes related to masculinity, including his own past struggles with sexual performance anxiety. We discuss his writing, what it takes to be an Olympian, mental health at elite levels of performance, and much more! (August 26, 2021)

E277 Brad Koepenick‘s life has been dedicated to lifting up, educating, championing and helping others see their own kind of magic. He’s an award-winning educator, philanthropist, activist, actor, producer, writer, co-founder and president of, and he grew up with some of Hollywood’s most talented, calling Val Kilmer a “soul brother.” Together, he and Val have worked on the films “Shakespeare High,” “Cinema Twain” and the recently released documentary “VAL.”(August 27, 2021)

E278 Cameron Esposito is a standup comedian, activist, host and founder of Queery podcast, and author of her memoir “Save Yourself.” She grew up Catholic and studied theology. We discuss representation, comedy, religion, and cancel culture. Her standup special “Rape Jokes” is about sexual assault from a survivor’s perspective, with proceeds benefiting RAINN. She’s appeared on NBC, CBS, Comedy Central, TBS, IFC, E!, Cartoon Network, HBO, and comedy festivals worldwide. (September 9, 2021)

E279 Vince DiPersio is a documentarian. His award-winning work in film and t.v. as an audio-visual storyteller has covered decades of events and humans, including; “The Last Days of Kennedy and King,” “The Big Question,” “People of Earth,” “Hate. com,” “Who Killed Tupac,” and most recently, in partnership with Kim Kardashian West, “The Justice Project,” among others. (September 16, 2021)

E280 Dr. Mao is a 38th generation practitioner of Chinese medicine and is co-founder of Tao of Wellness and Yo San University, both award winning centers for health and Traditional Chinese Medicine graduate education, respectively. He’s the author of over a dozen books about health and anti-aging. (September 23, 2021)

E281 Andrea James is a consumer activist, writer, producer, filmmaker, “sexual radical,” and transgender pioneer. She began her career in advertising, has created award-winning websites and videos of trans-related and scholarly content, founded a production company and the Gender Media foundation, edited thousands of Wikipedia pages, voice-coached trans women, and has recently been asked by the Library of Congress to archive her life’s work for prosperity. She’s also one of my dearest friends. (September 30, 2021)

E282 Dr. Thomas Ousterhout, a psychologist, and member of the Association of Computing Machinery, writes about mental health for and the “Conquer Your Mind” group, is the author of “The Matrix Has You,” and wrote his dissertation on text emojis! We discuss his own suicide attempt in childhood, his subsequent experience on “lockdown” in a therapeutic boarding school, how society’s mental health may be hanging on by a thread, how the brain “gaslights,” and what it’s like in his home country of Denmark, considered both the happiest and yet, most anti-depressant-prescribed country in the world. (October 7, 2021)

E283 Ben Kutylo is executive director at ForwARd Arkansas, working to “accelerate the innovative and equitable transformation of education in Arkansas.” He’s worked with Chicago schools to help educators change the direction of learning. He’s also the co-founder of Fremont Street, a national nonprofit philanthropy dedicated to helping school systems change from within. We chat life paths, misdirection, inspiration and his mission to empower as many kids, teachers, and facilitators as he can, to achieve excellence. (October 14, 2021)

E284 Scott Augenbaum is a cybercrime specialist, retired FBI supervisory special agent and former Crimes Against Children coordinator. He’s the author of “The Secret to Cybersecurity,” and spends his time helping to empower people against cyber attacks on their work and home computers, and phones – from phishing to romance scams to password shenanigans to protecting kids from would-be predators. (October 21, 2021)

E285 Sister Irene O’Neill has devoted her life to helping others. She’s the president of Sisters Rising Worldwide, a non-profit of 650,000 Sisters doing life-changing work in 190 countries, sharing ideas and strategies that solve the root causes of injustices throughout the world, and in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. She also spent twenty years as the Executive Director of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ministries Foundation. (October 28, 2021)

E286 D.J. Vodicka has been called a “rat,” and “dead man walking” for exposing corruption at Salinas Valley State Prison. Sacrificing his career and risking his life, Vodicka, a decorated veteran officer, served in the Investigative Services Unit (a branch of Internal Affairs) and was the “whistle-blower” who uncovered a gang of rogue prison guards who called themselves “The Green Wall.” In his book by the same name, Vodicka details the abuse of inmates at the hands of the renegade group, and the corrupt warden who turned a blind eye. Vodicka’s testimony before the Senate helped root out some of the rot in America’s prison system, but there’s still work to be done. (November 4, 2021)

E287 Austin Antoine & Raul Herrera are from Get Lit – Words Ignite (founded by Diane Luby Lane), an arts-education non-profit “using poetry to increase literacy, empower youth and inspire communities.” Diane also founded the Get Lit Players, “an award-winning classic teen poetry troupe who have appeared at the White House three times, collaborated with the United Nations, opened for John Legend at The Hollywood Bowl and perform each year for over 50,000 of their peers, igniting schools and communities with art and social consciousness.” (November 11, 2021)

E288 Roby Sobieski is an accomplished magician who has traveled the world practicing his craft, sometimes with interesting results (like being accused of being a god or demon). He has consulted on David Blaine’s national tours, and has been a sleight-of-hand consultant on the Harley Quinn “Birds of Prey” film. We discuss magic, history, philosophy, metaphysics, death, rare and unusual books, and much more. (November 18, 2021)

E289 Turhan “Troy” Caylak‘s role as Akhmal in HBO’s hit show “Barry” earned him a SAG award nom. The actor, writer, producer has a long list of tv and film credits to his name. Turhan’s rapid-fire conversational style is a joyful and wild ride through his polymath brain as we chat about his craft, childhood memories, NFTs (he was an early investor), sex, love, intention, drive, and he shares a sweet story about Chris Evans (yes, THAT Chris Evans) with whom he acted in the film “Before We Go.” (November 25, 2021)

E290 Danny Jordan is the author of “Rae’s First Day,” the first book from his “The Capables” children’s book series. Danny’s eldest daughter was born with an upper limb difference, which inspired him to create stories about “a group of super-capable kid superheroes all of whom have a super capability or ‘cape.’ Each Capable’s superpower is activated through empowerment.” As a television producer, some of his credits include: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Biggest Loser, and Storage Wars. He’s also hosts the “Christmas Countdown” podcast with actor Eric Petersen. We chat about parenting, disabilities, depression, anxiety, image, and more. (December 2, 2021)

E291 Tia May is a chronic illness survivor, retired veteran, mental health advocate and singer-songwriter. We discuss trauma, self-worth, leaving toxic relationships, breaking free of old patterns and reclaiming one’s health and well-being. Trigger Warning: Discussion of suicidal thoughts. (December 9, 2021)

E292 Ken Levine is a multi-award-winning television writer (Fraiser, M*A*S*H, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Simpsons, Cheers & more), screenwriter, playwright, podcaster (Hollywood & Levine), former MLB announcer, blogger, author and if that isn’t enough, he’s also a former Top 40 radio DJ! We chat about some of his most iconic episodes, Jewish baseball, balloon fetishes and more! (December 16, 2021)

E293 Dov Baron wants to get to the very heart of us. His mission is of service — to help humans find and release the things that block them from their most authentic selves. The best-selling author (One Red Thread, Fiercely Loyal), podcaster (Curiosity Bites and Leadership & Loyalty), story-teller, and therapist, was also named one of the Top 100 Leadership Speakers by Inc. Magazine. We discuss childhood trauma, Kabbalah, emotional intelligence, time & space, empathy, inner child work, the lure of bully energy, and so much more. Trigger warning: trafficking, child abuse, trauma. (January 6, 2022)

E294 Deb‘s mother joined The Ingleside United Methodist Church (IL) when Deb was a young girl. Members called themselves The Fellowship. Led by a man named Lou Hillendahl, it would soon become apparent to Deb, and many of the other children, that they were trapped in a cycle of abuse and servitude. When Lou’s wrong-doings were brought to light, he took more than a dozen families to Vashon Island, WA, founding the Wesleyan Community Church, a commune cult built on psychobabble, forced labor, and sexual predation. At 20, Deb finally escaped and has spent the last three decades trying to heal from her childhood hell. Trigger warning: child abuse, trauma. (January 13, 2022)

E295 Matt Rutherford is the first sailor to complete a single-handed nonstop voyage around North and South America. And he did it in a 27-foot Albin Vega! Matt’s childhood was a combo of drugs, cults, truancy, and several stints in jail. At 17, his life’s course would change. He bought his first sailboat, sight unseen, on the Internet and learned to sail on the fly. Four years later, he embarked on a single-handed voyage from the US to Europe, West Africa and back across the Atlantic to the Caribbean. Many expeditions later, he has founded The Ocean Research Project, “dedicated to scientific exploration…in pursuit of the knowledge necessary to better understand human-induced stress on the ocean.” He is also the host of Single-handed Sailing podcast. (January 20, 2022)

E296 Nathan Dunlap was found guilty of four counts of murder, attempted murder and other charges and sentenced to death by lethal injection for killing Sylvia Crowell, Ben Grant, Colleen O’Connor, and Marge Kohlberg, and gravely injuring Bobby Stephens, December 14, 1993 at Chuck E. Cheese in Aurora, Colorado. Nathan’s sentence was commuted to life without parole in 2020. We spoke over several phone calls about his crimes, mental illness, remorse, justice, childhood, his stance on the death penalty (which may surprise you), and more. (January 27, 2022)

E297 Alysia Silberg is a South African born, self-made entrepreneur, statistician, and data scientist. She’s founded several product and technology companies and regularly advises European, African, and Emerging Market governments. She’s the host/founder of Global Online FiresideChat and is a world-renowned public speaker. Her accolades and awards are numerous, her education impressive. She’s passionate about the arts and meditation. We discuss her dangerous, yet enchanted childhood, her love of maths, art and technology, and how her father and grandfather taught her the importance of dreaming big, being a disruptor, using her voice, and helping others, even (especially) if it means going against the status quo. (February 3, 2022)

E298 Patrick Dalton is a psychic medium, visual artist, an award-winning, custom home designer, and cannabis entrepreneur. In his younger years, he played college football, was an all-American javelin thrower, professional motocross rider and pro boxer. He’s packed a lot of living in, which is ironic because he also died once. This was a wild ride! (February, 10, 2022)

E299 Dr. Aprilia West is a psychologist, executive coach, songwriter, former political-speech writer and author of What You Feel Is Not All There Is. We discuss emotional networks, triggers, behavior patterns, choices, emotional intelligence and much more. Trigger warning: discussion on topic of Suicide (February 17, 2022)

E300 Steve Lindsey is a legend in the music industry as a producer, composer, arranger, songwriter, publisher, and teacher. Plaques adorn his wall of Dr. Dre, Eminem, Bruno Mars, Leonard Cohen, Keith Urban, Marvin Gaye, Aaron Neville, Elton John, and dozens more. We discuss his childhood adventures, what makes an exceptional songwriter, mastering the hustle, thoughts on fame, and the company you keep, a songwriter’s job, the importance of lyrics, learning to pivot when the phone stops ringing, and the defining moment that drove his entire life. (February 24, 2022)

E301 Katie, Sugar, and Lindsey are the hosts and founders of the Clit Talk podcast. They are sex- and body-positive educators, pleasure researchers and are leaders in the sex-positive community. Drawing from their own lives, as well as from experts in the field, the three women span a spectrum of sexuality and experience to talk with a refreshing openness and vulnerability. (March 3, 2022)

E302 Gary Tyler served 41 years, wrongfully accused and convicted of murder at 16 years old. He was sentenced to execution at Louisiana’s Angola prison. Proof of false witness statements, racism, fake evidence, gross negligence, three Pardon boards in his favor, and even with mountains of new evidence proving his innocence over the years, he was still refused release. Yet, through it all, he never gave up hope. He was a model prisoner and led several rehabilitation initiatives in Angola, including the Angola Drama Club, of which he was president and artistic director. This conversation is one of the most heartbreaking and inspiring I’ve had. (March 10, 2022)

E303 A. Laura Brody is a costumer, sculptor, curator, educator, arts activist and founder/curator of Opulent Mobility, a world-wide and inclusive art exhibit that re-imagines disability and mobility. Working primarily from reclaimed materials, her artworks “touch on visible and invisible disability, feminism, emotional labor, mental health, and sustainability.” She’s also my cousin-in-law! (March 17, 2022)

E304 Mike Errico is a recording artist, educator (teaching songwriting at Yale, Wesleyan, the New School, and NYU’s Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music), journalist, and author. His book; “Music, Lyrics, and Life: A Field Guide for the Advancing Songwriter,“ is in its second printing.  He was recently on the show Billions, and has had numerous song placements in film and tv. We discuss the importance of threes, the movie Contact, the “X” factor, and more!  (March 24, 2022)

E305 Justin Perry is Mr. 17540.  The world learned of Justin when he was featured on How to With John Wilson, and from a now-infamous TikTok featuring Justin and an adult Amish man, Mervin, whom was led to believe Justin was a teen girl looking for a hookup. Justin ensnares child predators, meeting them, confronting them, and turning evidence of their exchange over to police. During our conversation, about thirty men were reaching out, over text, to the “young teen” Justin was pretending to be for them. There are an estimated 500,000 online predators active each day. Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are especially susceptible to be groomed or manipulated by adults they meet online. It is a crisis of epic proportions. While Justin’s not out catching bad guys, he’s at home caring for his dad who has Alzheimer’s. (March 31, 2022)

E306 Mara Adelman is a physician’s assistant, sexologist, and co-host of the soon-to-launch podcast; Are We There Yet. She assists patients and clients with their health and wellness – body, mind, heart, and soul. We discuss sex, education, wellness, sick parents, siblings, fear, communication, PTSD and more! (April 7, 2022)

E307 Les Stapleton is the Mayor of Prestonsburg, KY. He is a retired KY State Patrol and former undercover narcotics officer, a former MMA fighter (winning 9 of 11 bouts). He’s interviewed serial killers, busted drug rings, been shot at, stabbed, and has studied interview and interrogation (he knows how to spot a liar) at Quantico with the FBI. He’s built houses and worked in oil. As mayor, he is turning a once coal-reliant town into a favored tourism spot, creating new jobs, income, and hopes for the future. (April 14, 2022)

E308 Buck Angel is a porn actor, producer, and documentarian.  He tours the world speaking about human sexuality. A trans man, he has strong opinions about what that means, and is adamant in his position against young people irrevocably transitioning. As a result, he has drawn the ire of others in the LGBTQ+ community (and allies), many of whom feel invalidated by his stance. What was especially interesting to me, was the discussion we had about “othering” that takes place within the community, itself. In 2016, Buck created an award-winning sex toy that helps trans men who have chosen not to have “bottom” surgery, connect with their bodies, and has since grown the line to include other products. TW: Human sexuality (April 21, 2022)

E309 Dr. Jonathan Flint, FRS, is a British behavior geneticist and psychiatrist, and Professor in Residence in the Dept. of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA. He is co-director of the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge, working to “cut the burden of depression in half by 2050.” Depression is a global health crisis, with a staggering one million suicides per year. It’s a race against time to find solutions to properly manage, and perhaps one day end, this insidious and pervasive problem affecting every one of us, or someone we know (or, both). Note: Dr. Flint and his team are looking for study participants. Check out Hey Human Links page for details. TW: Depression, Suicide (April 28, 2022)

E310 John Lefebvre was arrested, for the second time in his life, for co-founding and operating a business that was dealing in billions of dollars between online gamblers and internet bookies and casinos. Over night, he went from being a very, very rich man, to being sentenced to, and serving time in, prison (his crime isn’t considered a crime, today). He’s a musician, composer, entrepreneur, retired lawyer, philanthropist, author, and climate change activist. (May 5, 2022)

E311 Dedrick Wormack grew up in Chicago, a kid with great potential: smart, savvy, and godly. Navigating the bonds of family, corruption, gang life, church, and tragedy, he watched the determined and deliberate destruction of the neighborhoods he loved through the open-air drug markets. Now, he’s an author (Unrest in an Eagle’s Nest), social worker, coach, behaviorist and public speaker. (May 12, 2022)

E312 Cooper Shaw is a dialect and performance coach, writer, award-winning actor, playwright, and director. She got her start with Chicago’s Second City Conservatory Program and her MFA in Acting from The Actor’s Studio Drama School in NYC. She was my dialect coach at The Second City (LA) and she’s wickedly smart and funny. There are over 30 dialects in the US, alone (in Papua New Guinea there are over 850)! (May 19, 2022)

E313 Sara Schiller is co-founder of Sloomoo Institute, an interactive playground of slime “celebrating joy through sensory play.”  She’s the co-founder of Wooster Collective, a website that showcases and celebrates ephemeral art from around the world. She’s a mom of two daughters (one has Angelman’s Syndrome), and in 2015 her husband, Marc, suffered two near-deadly strokes (check out his documentary, “No Bone: Scars of Survival”). Sara has navigated some of the most difficult roads imaginable. She’s fierce, funny, determined, and ever-optimistic. (May 26, 2022)

E314 Dedrick Warmack returns to discuss Reconstruction, WWI, The Red Summer, WWII, economics, Civil Rights, economic rights, The Rainbow Coalition, poverty, abortion, education, Queen Victoria and her grandchildren’s wars, who built America, and so much more! (June 2, 2022)

E315 Victoria Lily Shaffer is the founder of Pup Culture Rescue. She’s an animal welfare advocate and the author of Pup Culture: Stories, Tips, and the Importance of Adopting a Dog. Along with her team and volunteers, she rescues homeless, mistreated, and overlooked animals both locally and internationally. is devoted to providing proper medical care, rehabilitation, and helping dogs and pups find forever homes. (June 9, 2022)

E316 Bill Persky is a five-time Emmy-winning writer, producer, and director. From The Dick Van Dyke Show, to That Girl (which he co-created), to Kate and Allie and Who’s the Boss, Persky is a tv legend. At 90, he’s still going strong, and he’s currently working on a new project about generations and their history. We discussed WWII, the Depression, comedy writing, great tv then and now, and much more! (June 16, 2022)

E317 Rachel Rettman has one of the most interesting stories. She’s the child of a bitter divorce, was taken from sleep to a “wilderness therapy” camp and subsequent “behavioral therapy” boarding school, became addicted to opiates, became a master Pilates instructor, kicked the opiates, became a holistic medicine practitioner, a hypnotist, and she’s just getting started. We covered so much in this episode of twists-and-turns, it’s a wild and powerful ride. (June 23, 2022)

E318 Doug Jackson built the SV Seeker, a 74′ steel origami hull, junk-rigged, cargo, motorsailer, in his front yard, from scratch, with the help from volunteers from all over the planet. He’s been a computer programmer and a teacher. He built a submarine with a buddy. He came from a strict, limiting, religious background but now embraces all the differences the world has to offer. Ready to set sail, his work boat/research/charter vessel is his “dream, and a tool for making [other’s] dreams come true.” (June 30, 2022)

E319 Bo Roberts, in his time, was the youngest newspaper editor, University of Tennessee Vice President, TN Governor’s Chief of Staff, and president of the 1982 World’s Fair (Knoxville, TN). Bo began his journalism career in the Air Force and has since chronicled some of the nation’s most tumultuous events. We discuss WWII, Dr. King’s assassination, political discourse today, and his new book, “Forever Young.” (July 7, 2022)

E320 Rachel Rettman returns! As a holistic health practitioner, consciousness explorer, and former opiate addict, Rachel journeyed into the plant medicine of Ayahuasca for her transformative power, along with other entheogens. We discuss her spiritual and health practices, as well as shadow and light work, finding one’s inner voice, and what it was like navigating NY during the height of the pandemic. (July 14, 2020)

E321 Tiensirin is an Akashic Records practitioner and a second-generation intuitive. She’s also an award-winning photographer. We discuss Karma, self-sabotage, doubt, suffering, conditioning, motivation, and more. (July 21, 2022)

E322 David Richman‘s sister died of brain cancer and he wrote a book called “Cycle of Lives: 15 People’s Stories, 5,000 Miles, and a Journey Through the Emotional Chaos of Cancer.” He interviewed those whose lives had also been irrevocably changed by cancer, either as patients, survivors, loved ones, or caregivers. David is also an ultra-marathoner, businessman, and speaker. (July 28, 2022)

E323 Dov Baron returns and goes into more detail about emotional source codes, how we identify ourselves and why we are drawn to particular groups or ideologies. We also discuss the time he fell of a mountain, the emotional and physical trauma that ensued, the miracle he experienced, and how it was a turning point for his life. (check out his first appearance on the show – Ep. 293). (August 4, 2022)

E324 Autumn Ruch is a filmmaker and she is currently working on a documentary called “Stop, Drop and Roll.” It documents the burning of her father and death of her aunt during a family cookout and how her family is the origin story of the phrase nearly all of us have heard, all over the world, “Stop, Drop and Roll.” We talk about faith, guilt, grief, generational trauma and hope.  (August 11, 2022)

E325 Adriana Trigiani is a New York Times best-selling author, television writer, documentarian, producer, director and playwright. Her most recent novel, “The Good Left Undone,” is a gorgeous, sweeping, multi-generational love (and war) story. We talk about writing, creativity, stretching beyond comfort zones, familial bonds, our love of reading and why it’s important to keep going no matter what. (August 18, 2022)

E326 August Dannehl is a US Navy Veteran, chef, and filmmaker. He’s also head of production at We Are The Mighty, a veteran-led media agency producing content for military families. After 9-11 he wanted to be of service to his country, becoming a Naval Nuclear Reactor Electrician. He was born into a show biz family (his parents are Broadway actors). We discuss his roots, 9/11, creativity, leadership, religion, and a whole lot more. TW (August 25, 2022)

E327 Marcela Pinilla was born in Bogota, Columbia and began touring the world as a performing artist and musician at a young age. She’s speaks several languages and is a music and voice teacher. She’s also a medical interpreter.  She’s having her second baby and has been dealing with Hyperemesis Graviadarum – extreme morning sickness, which afflicted her with her first pregnancy, as well. We discuss growing up fast, how she’s dealt with her pregnancies, especially given that she uses her voice for her work, what she did for love and more! (September 1, 2022)

E328 Julia Verdin is trying to make this world better through her art and advocacy.  Her 30+ year career includes; writer, award-winning director, producer, activist and advocate. She is profoundly moved by the horrors of human trafficking, and her mission is to raise awareness on this and other social issues through film, and encourages filmmakers to think about how their content shapes the world, as well. She’s an extraordinary human, teacher, philanthropist and creative. (September 8, 2022)

E329 Dr. Antonia Grace Glenn, Dr. Evelyn Nakano Glenn and Patrick Glenn are the keepers of their family history. Evelyn is a sociologist and professor emerita of Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies. At two years old, she was imprisoned with her family in the US concentration camps for Japanese Americans during WWII. Antonia is an award-winning documentary filmmaker (“The Ito Sisters” and “Before They Take Us Away”) exploring the experience of those in internment camps, as well as those in forced exodus from the western states they had called home. Patrick is a filmmaker, actor, writer and digital artist. (September 15, 2022)

E330 Braden Kuhlman has managed to get a lot of living in her lifetime.  She’s been a personal assistant to the stars and counts legendary songwriters as close friends. She was cyber-stalked before anyone knew that was a thing. She’s traversed the globe several times over. She’s a blogger and a photographer. Trigger Warning: Stalking, abuse (September 22, 2022)

E331 Joel Green is founder of Pro Level Training and the Nat’l Dir. of Nike Sports Camps. He’s an educator, speaker and author of the book, “Filtering; The Way to Extract Strength From Struggle.” We discuss his childhood, growing up in Philadelphia in a tight-knit faith-based family, and the violence he experienced first-hand. How tragedy nearly broke him but ultimately pushed him to find his greatest self. (September 29, 2022)

E332 Dr. Maurice Robkin is a scientist and engineer. He’s also the author of the Margaret  book series (about a governess turned kick-ass pirate). He’s currently working on his seventh and final book in Margaret’s adventures! He also happens to be my dad. We chat about the edge of the Universe, time, physics, writing, love and a whole lot more. (October 6, 2022)

E333 Karen Poppy is a poet, a lawyer, and an activist.  She is also non-binary. She’s most recently had a poem and interview published in Ms. Magazine, and her upcoming first full-length poetry book, “Diving at the Lip of the Water,” will be published in 2023 by Beltway Editions. We discuss the creative process, literary heroes, women’s rights, motherhood, finding one’s voice after criticisms, and more. (October 13, 2022)

E334 Dr. Nitschke became the first doctor in the world to administer a legal, lethal voluntary injection.  He is the founder of Exit International, a foundation that believes “it is a fundamental human right for every adult of sound mind, to be able to plan for the end of their life in a way that is reliable, peaceful and at a time of their choosing.“ He is the co-author of the “Peaceful Pill Handbook,” “Killing Me Softly,” and his autobiography, “Damned If I Do.” TW: Suicide (October 20, 2022)

E335 Nader Hanna is a magician, mentalist, hypnotist and theologian. He studied to live a monastic life but had a change of direction along the way. We discuss Coptic Orthodox Christians, Egypt, the history of Mentalism, hyper-hypnotic states and more! (October 27, 2022)

E336 Will Carter‘s wife was diagnosed with cancer, which made him start to think about some things. He began studying as a Conscious Dying End-of-Life coach and Sacred Passage End-of-Life Doula. He’s also a lawyer and musician. We discuss his journey, social history, social justice and systems, his passions in life (and death) and what he’s learned so far. (November 3, 2022)

E337 Manuel Cuevas is an award-winning, one-of-a-kind couture designer. Raised in Mexico, he moved to Los Angeles in 1951 and was soon designing clothes for the Rat Pack, Bob Hope, going on to create for Johnny Cash, Elvis, countless film and tv shows, movie stars, athletes, presidents and rock stars. He designed the beloved insignias for bands like The Grateful Dead. He is truly cut from his own cloth. *Note: This interview was recorded by iPhone voice memo in 2013. (November 10, 2022)

E338 Bill Bentley has been in the trenches of the music industry for decades. Writer, archivist, music historian, A&R and PR. He’s been the Senior VP of Warner Bros and music editor of LA Weekly.  He’s also the co-founder of Water Brothers Films. Neil Young, Eric Clapton, Lou Reed and Elvis Costello have all worked with him.  We discussed his beginnings in Texas, going to see some of the greatest blues and R&B artists in history, his brush with the law, and his dedication and love for music of all genres and eras.  (November 17, 2022)

E339 Sahaj Sharda is an anti-monopoly activist, Ivy League law student, a college pricing critic, and the author of the upcoming book “The College Cartel.” We discuss current lawsuits aimed at several of the nation’s top colleges, admission practices and scandals, rationing the amount of college seats and education provided, price gouging, collusion, high-pressure testing, and Sahaj’s plan to take on some of the biggest institutions in academia. (November 24, 2022)

E340 Dr. Timothy Shaw is a philosopher who studies moral injury and religion. He is the director of the Australian think tank, Great Philosophical Problems. Their mission is to “provide unifying definition for the construct of Moral Injury to address suicide in veteran and wider civilian populations.” We discuss the philosophical and real-world ramification of soldier’s actions in war, Nietzsche, Divine Madness, Superman and more. (December 1, 2022)

E341 Johnathan Pushkar is the content creator of MiniSuperHeroesToday merging Marvel, DC, and StarWars with Lego on his social media platforms to the delight of hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide and he’s a LEGO Ambassador Network Member to boot. He’s also a musician and songwriter with a penchant for Beatles-era sounds and songs. He’s also the founder of Pushkar Media specializing in online content and marketing. We had a great chat about everything he’s working on now and some super cool projects he’s been on, including working with the “Thank You, Mister Rogers” album honoring the music and memory of one of the greatest humans of all, Fred Rogers. (December 8, 2022)

E342 Laura Zam is an award-winning writer, TEDx Speaker, certified relationship coach, certified trauma professional, sexuality educator, and author of her best-selling memoir THE PLEASURE PLAN. Laura is currently working on a pilot about her own experience with surviving sexual trauma.  She’s also the daughter of a Holocaust survivor – her mother was in two concentration camps and survived a death march. It was a heck of a conversation. TW: Sexual Assault. (December 15, 2022)

E343 Greg Walter is a research historian, author of “The Ridgewalkers: When Legend Becomes an Encounter,” and “Ridgewalkers: In Two Worlds.” He’s a Sasquatch enthusiast, U.S. Coast Guard and Merchant Marine Veteran. He experienced what he believes is a Bigfoot encounter and shares that story, along with other Cryptid lore, some interesting historical facts about the Oregon Land Fraud Trials, James Beard, pirate’s booty and foraging.  (January 5, 2023)

E344 Dr. ALH (Nan) Robkin is an artist, illustrator, editor, poet, retired classics professor and museum archeologist. She’s also Susan’s mom. We discuss psychotic first husbands, WWII, family antics, missed and taken opportunities, life overseas, Susan’s lifelong appreciation of the human form, disappearing children, bomb scares, historic moments, and more! (January 12, 2023)

E345 Sheldon Epps is a renowned television and theatre director, author (“My Own Directions: A Black Man’s Journey in the American Theatre”), and was the long-time Artistic Director of the famed Pasadena Playhouse in California. He’s currently the executive producer and directs episodes for the hit Netflix show, The Upshaws (and he’s directed a bunch of my fav shows, including Girlfriends and Frasier). He conceived and directed the Duke Ellington musical, “Play On!,” which received three Tony Award nominations and was produced at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago, where it received four Joseph Jefferson Awards. This summer, he will be directing the acclaimed musical, Personality at Chicago’s  Studebaker Theatre. (January 19, 2023)

E346 Father Sebastiaan is a vampyre, master fangsmith, author and impresario of the Endless Night Vampire Ball. His story is an adventure around the world. We talk Vampire/Vampyre culture, Anne Rice, the birth of the literary vampire, the importance of LARPs, his Sabretooth children, vampire tv shows, movies and more! (January 26, 2023)

E347 Jeremy Lang is a material scientist, environmental consultant and the founder and VP of Sustainability of Pela. After seeing plastic litter on a beach, Jeremy was inspired to create the world’s first compostable plant-based phone case. He founded Pela and is working to eliminate billions of pounds of waste from the global waste stream. The company’s recent creation, Lomi, is a Smart Waste Appliance to help solve the food waste and plastic problem. Jeremy is also helping future generations care about and solve the world’s waste problem with the Learn With Lomi program. (February 2, 2023)

E348 Daniel Hawkins is an exceptional visual artist and musician. In 2017, he built a fully functioning 50-foot solar-powered lighthouse in the Mojave Desert after an extraordinary experience compelled him. I met him at a show in Los Angeles featuring his Desert Lighthouse documentary, and artists who have paid homage to the incredible structure. The 30-minute documentary on YouTube is linked on It’s an incredible watch! (February 9, 2023)

E349 Alex Robkin is back on the show to talk about his sobriety from heroin (check out our conversation 2018, Episode #91), and his life as an expat in Japan. We chat daily routines and cultural differences, his newest round of poetry, and catch up on life, in general. I’m a proud aunt for all my nephew Alex has accomplished! (February 16, 2023)

E350 Andie Zink has spent more than a decade above the Arctic Circle living among indigenous Alaskans as a school counselor, coach, advocate and educator. She’s the 2019 ASCA School Counselor of the Year. We discuss the villages she has lived in, daily life and traditions that date back thousands of years. If you would like to see some of the kids’ rendering and pelting photos she sent me, you can check those at TW: Discussion of sexual assault and suicide. (February 23, 2023)

E351 Peter Mehlman is a producer, actor, author (“It Won’t Always Be This Great,” “#measwell, a Novel,” “Mandela Was Late”), and TV writer. He’s responsible for memorable Seinfeld utterances like, “shrinkage,” “double-dipping,” “yada yada yada” and “sponge-worthy,” to name a few. The former sports-journalist cut his teeth with Howard Cosell and has written observations about life for dozens of publications, including; NY Times magazine, GQ, Esquire, and nearly every woman’s magazine. He’s currently working on a new book, “Parenting Tips From a Childless Man.” (March 2, 2023)

E352 Malcolm Christie was raised by a loving single mom but still experienced family violence and emotional upheaval. He was determined to not let the negative define him. As he navigated school, he came up against bad teachers, sports injuries, and criticisms that motivated him to prove any doubters wrong. He’s a champion for the differently-abled and marginalized communities, and is currently writing his memoir (Spring 2024). Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence (March 9, 2023)

E353 Mark L. Lester‘s life sounds like a movie; from being raised by communists, to aiding indigenous rebels, to making blockbuster movies (including; Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stephen King’s Firestarter with Drew Barrymore, and the cult classic Class of 1984). We discuss communism, fireballs, Freedom of Speech, feuds, filmmaking, rebellion and more. (March 16, 2023)

E354 Cheryl Holtzman has the coolest jobs and I want to follow her around. Not only is she a big cat wrangler (and general animal wrangler), and is on tv and film sets with creatures great and small, making sure all is going well, she’s also in special effects production, which is how I met her (and her FX and life partner, Eric Fox). I had a ball learning about different aspects of Cheryl’s day-to-day. And before I die, I hope I get to snuggle a big cat. (March 23, 2023)

E355 Andrew Daniel is a #1 international bestselling and award-winning author of the book, “Awaken to Your True Self,” considered a “definitive guide exploring shadow work, embodiment, narcissism, victimhood, spirituality, and more.” He’s the founder of Center for Cinesomatic Development, and he’s  an advisor for the Alan Watts Organization. We had such an interesting conversation about his work and what inspired him to move through his own shadow stories. We chat life, relationships, bullies, sex, connection, family and more! (March 30, 2023)

E356 Tony Green is an educator at Bishop O’Dowd High School, teaching Advanced World History and AP African American Studies. He’s also co-moderator for their Black Student Union.  This is his second visit to the show (check out E213) and we discuss history, the impact of youth on culture and politics, the importance of knowing cultural, political, and sociological history, and more. I wish I’d had a teacher like Mr. Green when I was a kid.  He’s brilliant and his students are brilliant! (April 6, 2023)

E357 Dean M. Collins is a retired Navy pilot and current Delta commercial air pilot. He’s also a performing songwriter, his new song, “Land Where The Wishes Come True,” is out now. We discuss his dad’s influence on his love of music, airplanes, farming, flight school, unusual things he’s seen in the sky, and more. (April 13, 2023)

E358 Brandon Joe Williams is a State National of California, common law lawyer, and founder of The Amnesty Coalition. He’s also an author (“Don’t Be a Slave to Your Clients” and “Love is a Battery”) and Scientologist. He’s currently working on his third book on martyrdom and escapism. We discuss his wild ride of a childhood, his rebel soul, his role within the Church of Scientology and their philosophies for self-reflection, growth, and change, and the difference between a US National (of a state) and a United States of America Citizen, and what that means for taxes and forms. (April 20, 2023)

E359 Maryam Abolfazli is a storyteller, nonprofit leader, and mother. For twenty years, she built her career as an international economic and political development professional, working in Eurasia and the Middle East, to assist in improving the political and economic realities of women, youth, and educators. Today, she serves the political and economic development of her state of Tennessee and city of Nashville as Board Chair of the Advocates for Women And Kids Empowerment and Chair of the Human Relations Commission. Most recently, she organized the March 30 Gun Reform Rally with friends and neighbors that resulted in the expulsion and reinstating of three state representatives.  (April 27, 2023)

E360 Peter Clothier is an art critic, practicing Buddhist, professor, ex-pat Englishman, and world-renowned author. His most recent book, “Dear Harry: Letters to My Father” (dad Harry, was an Anglican minister), touches on “everything from his loss of Christian faith, intimate matters, and the inevitability of aging and death.” We discuss Peter’s own role as father, chains, WWII, meditation, intimacy, writing, art and how he’s still open to learning about himself after more than eight decades on Earth. Powerful discussion. (May 6, 2023)

E361 Calpernia Addams is a veteran, actress, award-winning showgirl, trans-activist, producer, author, and musician. She spent four years as a field medical combat specialist in the Navy, and was one of the elite, combat-trained “Devil Docs.” She’s a Peabody Award recipient for “Soldier’s Girl,” a film that details her relationship with murdered Army soldier Barry Winchell. She has made numerous film and television appearances, and runs Deep Stealth Productions, Inc., with business partner and noted activist (and previous Hey Human guest – Ep. 281) Andrea James producing media with an awareness of the truth and value of trans women’s contributions. (May 11, 2023)

E362 Dr. Tristin Engels is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist. She has an outside practice, but also worked within the California prison system to ensure the welfare of inmates and patients. She’s been featured on documentaries like, “The Golden State Killer,” and “Evil Among Us: Ted Bundy,” and has extensive experience with psychopaths and violent criminals. Her book, “The Power of Truth: The Life of Louis R. Vitullo and the Legacy of the Rape Kit,” is about her grandfather, the creator of the Vitullo Evidence Collection Kit, otherwise known as the “Rape Kit,” which standardized the collection of evidence in sexual assault cases. TW: Violence (May 18, 2023)

E363 George Gallo is a producer, screenwriter and director (Ritual Killer, Bad Boys, Middle Men, 29th Street, and one of my personal favorites; Midnight Run). He’s also an incredible impressionist painter, musician, and songwriter. I interviewed George twice. The first time (July, 2021) was in anticipation of a film he was working on, “The Comeback Trail,” which was plagued by distribution issues (it’s US release is hopefully scheduled for sometime this year). The second (March, 2023) time we dug in more about art, music, love and philosophy. Things get deep, tangential, dreamy and fired-up in this two-for-one episode. (May 25, 2023)

E364 Sheena Brook is a powerhouse of resilience. In 2022, Hurricane Ian destroyed her home. As a teen, she endured gay-conversion therapy. Sheena comes back stronger from every obstacle. The performing artist, songwriter is a full-time touring musician (and was Team Adam on NBCs “The Voice.” She’s a pint-sized megawatt bright light, whip-smart and determined. We chat identity, shame, family, love, kindness, and finding the strength to be comfortable in one’s one skin. (June 1, 2023)

E365 Edna Clyne-Rekhy has rescued children in India, been an olive farmer with her husband Jack, and rescued dogs in Spain. In her younger years was a journalist. She’s been a clothing designer, and is a recycled materials artist, and teaches kids how to turn “junk” and “trash” into beautiful art and up-cycled usefulness. She’s an octogenarian who wrote the world-beloved poem about losing a pet, “Rainbow Bridge,” when she was only nineteen, and reads it aloud, here. She went decades without knowing the incredible impact her words have had on those of us who’ve lost a cherished pet. She’s led an incredible life, and has made some unexpected friends, too. (June 8, 2023)

E366 Sabir Shapiro is a writer and poet, and he’s writing a book and screenplay, “White Sex.” His company, Gang Management, works with artists like Chief Keef (Sosa), Little Gnar, 2Rare, and many more. We chat creativity, music, culture, society and race, and he recites his powerful poem about family history, in this captivating conversation. (June 15, 2023)

E367 Juan (J.V.) Vidopio is a Columbian-born musician and producer. Raised in a deeply faithful missionary family, he came to have his own understanding of Faith, G-d, and religion. He’s traveled around the world many times over, and recently I had the pleasure of officiating his marriage to his lovely bride! (June 22, 2023)

E368 Geoff Russell has over forty years of experience in the sport of fencing as a competitor, coach, and club owner. After his wife’s death from cancer, he hit rock bottom. He’s been sober 5 ½ years, now, and is currently working toward seeing his Amy M Fortune Foundation come to life, its mission focused on “enabling participation, enriching lives, and elevating communities.” (June 29,2023)

E369 Danny Myrick is the son of a Baptist Minister father and church pianist mother. His family’s gospel band recorded their first album when Danny was 7 and by 17 he had his first number one song. These days, he’s one of country music’s biggest songwriters, writing for stars like Blake Shelton, Montgomery Gentry, LoCash, Jason Aldean and so many more. He co-produced (and wrote two of the only 3 new songs) his good friend Leslie Jordan’s 2021 gospel album Company’s Comin’ and currently travels much of the year performing all over the US. (July 6, 2023)

E370 It’s Hey Human podcast’s 7th anniversary on July 16th! To celebrate, Susan Ruth gets interviewed by her dear friend Trevor Valle. Life, lessons, love, sex, books, science, philosophy, and a whole lot more gets covered in this special, turn-the-tables episode. (July 13th, 2023)

E371 General Gary “Mike” Jones is a military legend. Some of his career milestones include: Commander 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne); Deputy Commanding General United States Army Special Operations Command; Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Counter-Terrorism Center, Deputy Commander Combined Joint Task Force-Mountain during Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan; Commanding General Special Operations Europe; and Commanding General U.S. Army Special Forces Command. We discuss Romans, family, integrity, tough conversations, and much more. (July 20, 2023)

E372 Jennifer Howard-Hammer is a retired Peace Officer with over 20 years experience. She is a child abuse survivor and spent some time in the foster system. She became a Reserve Deputy Sheriff and went on to be a Correctional Counselor at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). She’s received a Bronze Star from the California State Prison in Sacramento, and the Medal of Valor from CDCR. These days she specializes in Event Planning, Floral Design and Photography services. TW: abuse (July 27, 2023)

E373 Dr. David Wiss, PhD, MS, RDN, founded Wise Mind Nutrition and Nutrition in Recovery (a group practice of RDNs specializing in the treatment of eating and substance use disorders). His work also explores the link between childhood trauma and disordered eating. He developed a specialized nutrition curriculum that has been incorporated in more than 50 addiction treatment centers in SoCal & worldwide. His story is also one of achieving personal triumph over addiction. (August 3, 2023)

E374 Daryle Lamont Jenkins is the founder and executive director of One People’s Project. Growing up in the punk music scene, he was entrenched early on in political activism. One People’s Project gained a reputation of publicly documenting hate and Alt-Right groups, and he’s also helped neo-Nazis leave those circles. He’s a producer most notably, “Skin,” which was based on “Erasing Hate,” the story of another former Hey Human guest, Bryon Widner (episode 31). Daryle self-identifies as Antifa and an anarchist. (August 10, 2023)

E375 Udo Erasmus is known as a best-selling author and the co-founder of Udo’s Choice (he’s the guy who invented flax seed oil, too). We’ll talk about all of that on another episode, later. For this one, we get straight to the heart and soul of humanity and chat about his take on how to move the needle to kindness, compassion, self-love, and awareness of the energetic force that connects us all. Pt. 1 (August 17, 2023)

E376 Kerstin Decook lived the first 16 years of her life behind Russian-occupied East Germany (behind the Iron Curtain), where every aspect of life, and every citizen was controlled by the government. She immigrated to North America at 27. She’s a best-selling author and founder of “Rock The Kitchen,” a “lifestyle changing online experience cooking class for aspiring home cooks who want to gain more confidence, creativity and flavor building skills in the kitchen.” She faced seemingly insurmountable social, emotional, personal and economic hurdles, but never gave up and surpassed even her own wildest dreams for freedom and success. (August 24, 2023)

E377 Colonel Rich Kniseley of the United States Space Force serves as the Senior Materiel Leader for the Commercial Space Office within Space Systems Command, one of three U.S. Space Force field commands. We chatted about what his role is within Space Force, what Space Force is, and I asked him all about what’s going on up there. (August 31, 2023)

E378 Mike Farrell is a producer, director and actor (best known for his role as Capt. B.J. Hunnicutt on the beloved and extraordinary show MAS*H and Dr. James Hansen on Providence, among others). He’s a human rights and refugee activist; President of the Board of Death Penalty Focus (committed to the abolition of the death penalty), founder of Human Rights Watch California, and Good Will Ambassador for the UN High Commission for Refugees. He’s also an author (Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist and Of Mule and Man). (September 7, 2023)

E379 Daniel Edwards is a seasoned Human Design analyst, “combining elements of astrology, the I-Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a comprehensive map of your unique energy configuration. It offers insights into your strengths, challenges, and potential life path.” He’s the founder of and Human Design Advantage and was kind enough do some of my chart on the show! (September 14, 2023)

E380 Jessica Hairston is a former foster kid, an adult adoptee who reunited with birth family at the age of 19, a survivor, and an exceptional writer. Her poetry collection, Power of Our Wombs, is a moving look at childhood, racial trauma, sexual trauma, mental health, creativity, and belonging. TW: sexual assault (September 21, 2023)

E381 Ami Pilon is a true force. She’s an activist and has fought for women, kids, public safety, and a woman’s right to financial freedom. She’s been a long-haul trucker, beat cancer and lives with scoliosis.
TW: Sexual abuse, domestic violence (September 28, 2023)

E382 Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno‘s book, “There Are No Dead Here: A Story of Murder and Denial in Colombia,” is a remarkable non-fiction work that chronicles three “ordinary” Colombians who took on the country’s new mafia, military, and political powers. Maria is Peruvian-American, and her childhood definitely shaped who she is today. She’s an activist and advocate for international human rights and drug policies, a lawyer, and acting deputy program director at Human Rights Watch. She’s the former executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, and was instrumental in Oregon’s decriminalization of all drugs for personal use. (October 5, 2023)

E383 Anthony Razzano was twelve when a tragic accident burned him on over 87% of his body. His parents were told he wouldn’t survive. He endured 43 surgeries, 134 blood transfusions, and the loss of his hand. He was given Last Rights three times. Beating every odd, he pulled through. From there, he pursued his love of sports and channeled his relentless spirit and accomplished incredible feats in his life, most recently authoring “Against All Odds: A Story of Faith, Courage, and Never Giving Up.” (October 12, 2023)

E384 Lauren Reiner’s a talented young singer-songwriter working on new music, as she recovers from the brain surgery procedure to ease her epilepsy. It has been an emotional and physical rollercoaster, but she’s navigating her way back to health and happiness. She’s fierce, brave, and determined. TW: mental health, self-harm (October 19, 2023)

E385 Udo Erasmus is a best-selling author (most notably, “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill”) and founder of Udo’s Choice – he’s the guy who invented flax seed oil (among other things)! We discuss pesticide poisoning, pioneering machinery, micro-biology, finding the right balance of nutrients to heal ourselves, and more. This is part two of my interviews with Udo. Find part one on E375. (October 26, 2023)

E386 Nick Buda is a producer and drummer in Nashville. Born in South Africa, he came to the US as a kid. He tours with Kenny Chesney and has worked with dozens of artists, including megastars Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney, Dolly Parton, Jewel, Lionel Richie, and Martina McBride. We talk about his childhood, career, family, working with Taylor, Jewel, and Kenny, his connection to the creator of Marvel’s Thanos, and so much more. (November 2, 2023)

E387 Dr. Brendan Kwiatkowski is a researcher specializing in adolescent boys’ relationship to their emotions and how they develop those emotions into adulthood. A former secondary school teacher, he now teaches university courses relating to gender and education. He’s also a musician! We discuss natural biasses, education and societal affect on masculinity, the reclaiming of masculinity, loneliness, and more. I feel this is such an important conversation, not only for parents of boys, but for all of us. (November 9, 2023)

E388 Dr. Mara Adelman: This is a special crossover episode from my YouTube show “Are We There Yet.” Dr. Mara Adelman specializes in talking about sex. She’s coached public speaking at UCLA, taught at Northwestern University (with an interesting David Schwimmer connection), and has worked and traveled all over the world diving into the language around sex and the way we humans connect through communication. She’s the author of Beyond Language, The Fragile Community: Living with AIDS; and Communicating Social Support. She’s also an artist and musician! (November 16, 2023)

E389 Cherie Rezen, RN and Dr. Amar Raut are the founders of the Embrace Nepal Foundation ( Their mission is to bring hope, health, and happiness to Nepal’s rural communities by improving healthcare, education, and overall well-being to the people. This includes helping to increase high school graduation rates, reduce child malnutrition, facilitate access to clean water and sanitation, improve maternal and child health, and bring specialized and basic health and wellness needs, trekking to some of the most farthest reaches. (January 11, 2024)

E390 Christina Marinakis, JD, PsyD., is a world renowned jury selection specialist. She’s worked on many high-profile cases, including Vanessa Bryant and George Floyd. She’s one of the most sought after in her field for her brilliance (as noted by both prosecution and defense teams with whom she’s worked). From consulting for witness prep, to communication training, to research and strategy, in this episode she reveals some fascinating facts about the jury trial process. (January 18, 2024)

E391 Will Harris is a fourth-generation cattleman and farmer, who tends the same land that his great-grandfather settled in 1866, White Oak Pastures. Although Will was trained in industrial farming methods, as his father had been post-WW2, Will was seeing the damage being done by pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics, and made a huge shift to become a leader in humane animal husbandry and environmental sustainability, knowing the importance of working in healthy partnership with the land. We had a fascinating conversation about sustainable farming and cattle-raising methods, the difference between dirt and soil, the rural community impact of family farming, and what it means to leave behind something better than you find it, for all the generations to come. (January 25, 2024)

E392 Iqbal Kana was born in Kashmir, India. He’s led an incredible life filled with adventure. He’s gone hiking with Tenzing Norgay, worked in Kolkata, India with Mother Teresa, run a successful climbing and hiking company, has led medical teams to patients in remote Himalayan regions, and to top it off, he’s a talented licensed massage therapist. He’s also a delightful and kind man who sees the world as a beautiful and deeply spiritual place. (February 1, 2024)

E393 Joshua Coombes has dedicated his life to acts of kindness. A hairdresser by trade, he began offering free haircuts, on the street, to the unhoused. It changed something inside of him for the better so he started documenting each person’s story on Instagram using the hashtag #dosomethingfornothing, inspiring others to think how small gets big. He put the stories he’s collected into a book to raise awareness and inspire others (royalties go to charity). He’s traveled around the globe to speak about his mission to remind us all that gestures don’t need to be grand to make a difference, that vulnerability and human kindness can change the world. (February 8, 2024)

E394 Charles McCutcheon is recovering from a double lung transplant as a result of Long Covid. He’s a music industry PR veteran and has worked with legends like Jeff Beck, CSNY, Deep Purple, The Four Tops, Ronnie Wood, Buffett, The Who, Clapton, and B.B. King. Born in Ireland, he lives in Nashville, and has traveled many miles and had many adventures in between. (February 15, 2024)

E395 Gary M. Bettman tells the story of his father-in-law, Danny Miller, who was a guard during the Nuremberg trials and had a unique interaction with those on trial. Gary’s a film and tv producer and executive producer. His hit show Northbound is currently on Seeka tv, and some of his previous film productions include; The Omega Code, Waxwork, and A Gun, a Car, a Blonde, working with the likes of Lynda Carter, John Ritter, Billy Bob Thornton, and Michael York. Gary’s also COO of marketing and advertising firm The Miller Group, and has spent the last few decades as a democratic political consultant. (February 22, 2024)

E396 Kineret Sherman Kineret Sherman was forty-three when she was diagnosed with Stage II rectal cancer. After holistic options failed and became Stage III, she opted for more traditional options, but no one told her about the toll it would take on her – more specifically, how she would need to adjust as a sexual being. She wrote a book about her experience called, “Healing the Deepest Wounds.” She’s a life coach, hospice spiritual care provider and patient advocate. (February 29, 2024)

E397 Mikey Weinstein is the founder and president of (MRFF), dedicated to ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the Constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. He’s an Air Force veteran, a lawyer, a registered Republican (he served three years in Reagan’s White House), and author of “With God On Our Side: One Man’s War Against an Evangelical Coup in America’s Military,” and “No Snowflake in an Avalanche: The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, its Battle to Defend the Constitution, and One Family’s Courageous War Against Religious Extremism in High Places.” Mikey’s family has a “long and distinguished U.S. military history spanning three consecutive generations of military academy graduates and over 130 years of combined active duty military service in every major combat engagement our country has been in from World War I to the current Global War on Terror.” In 2012 Defense News named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in U.S. Defense, and MRFF has received seven Nobel Peace Prize nominations. TW: violence, assault, language (March 7, 2024)

E398 Bersabeh Ray experienced more chaos as a child than some people experience their whole lives. Born in Iran during the Iran-Iraq war, she bore witness to tragedy, terror, death, and violence. Her family escaped and eventually made their way to the United States. Her early years took their toll and she had to fight to save herself from the brink, as she learned to transform her pain into power.
TW: SA (March 14, 2024)

E399 Harry Bettman was a young boy when his family made their escape from Nazi, Germany. He recounts his family’s experience and what it was like to start their lives from scratch in America.
Harry’s wife and their son also join this episode. At nearly 100 years old, Harry shows no sign of slowing down and works with autistic kids to help them build confidence and a better life. (March 21, 2024)

E400 Brian Fairchild is a retired career CIA Ops officer who held top-secret clearance from the Department of Defense. He’s a counter-terrorism expert, and during the decade immediately following the 9/11 attacks, Brian trained over 10,000 FBI, CIA, military personnel, as well as state and local police intelligence officers. He served in Kabul, Afghanistan where he mentored Afghan National Police intelligence officers. He’s also the author of the spy thriller, “The Hidden.” We talked dysfunction in the intelligence agencies, how to recruit spies, thoughts on China, Russia, and more! (March 28, 2024)

E401 Tom Paladino began researching Scalar Light during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for Nikola Tesla, who conducted Scalar research back in his own time. Tom was able to study Tesla’s research notes, as well as operate Scalar Light instruments developed by another Scalar Light expert, T. Galen Hieronymus, and Tom never looked back. He created his own Scalar device, which he uses in his healing practice, working to bring what he calls the “divine energy of the stars” to people all over the world. (April 4, 2024)

E402 Vanessa McGrady is an award-winning journalist and the author of the memoir, “Rock Needs River,” which details her pregnancy struggles and ultimately deciding to become an adoptive parent. Her story is one of lows and highs, as her then-husband would succumb to alcoholism and her daughter’s birth parents were in and out of their lives. She navigated it all and found a way for herself and the love of her life, her daughter, Grace. (April 11, 2024)

E403 Mahwish Syed is an award-winning fashion and interior designer who uses neuroaesthetics, biophilia, and quantum biology to create environments that heal. She’s also an author of the best-selling book, “Purgatory to Paradise,” chronicling her breast cancer journey. We discuss how our homes could be making us sick, tree-hugging, how to talk about cancer, and the importance of honoring the divine. (April 28, 2024)

E404 Dianna Cohen is a visual artist and activist. She’s the CEO and co-founder of Plastic Pollution Coalition, a non-profit communications and advocacy organization that “collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts.” We discuss the impact of plastics on (and in) our bodies, ways to ditch plastics in every day life, and more! (April 25, 2024)

E405 Damion Lupo had his first startup at eleven and eventually, grew to build a fortune as a young man. But 2008 came on like a vengeance and he found himself bankrupt, millions in debt. Instead of giving up, he built himself back. His companies today build community and practice sustainability, hoping to lead by example. We chat about loss of Ego, the importance of perseverance, being in the now, and more! (May 2, 2024)

E406 Mike McBay remembers a young Martin Luther King, Jr. was a frequent family house guest when he was a kid. Mike had groundbreaking and barrier-breaking academic parents. He suffered childhood trauma and has memories of alien abduction. He had a career in medicine cut short by addiction (he’s sober now), is a karate practitioner, musician, and he shares a sneak-listen to the new Circle the Earth (his band) single, “Maniac on Mute.” (May 9, 2024)

E407 Dr. Annika Hylmö is an award-winning Swedish filmmaker, and we discuss her upcoming documentary, “The Last Witch,” about Elizabeth Johnson, Jr., a 22-year old who was wrongfully convicted of witchcraft during the 1692 Salem Witch Trials, and the efforts to exonerate her by a Massachusetts teacher, her students, and state senator. We also chat about equine therapy and more!(May 16, 2024)

E408 Patrick Erlandson began leading the prevention subcommittee of the Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force in 2012. He founded Father-Con which focuses on an investment in fathers to be mindful and present in the home, reducing the threat of trafficking of children. Patrick also founded the See It End It Film and Arts Festival. He is a leader of Men Standing Against Trafficking and has been working diligently to end this multi-billion global trafficking industry. TW: Human Trafficking, suicide (May 23, 2024)

E409 Fernando Pullum is the founder of the Fernando Pullum Community Arts Center in Los Angeles, providing thousands of students over the years with free music and the arts instruction. 100% of his students graduate with a high school diploma! He’s performed and worked with legendary artists across multiple genres, and is the recipient of the first AFA Chapin/Kragen/Belafonte Humanitarian Award. Raised in one of the most dangerous parts of Chicago, he has since done everything in his power to keep the next generation safe and inspired by music.(May 30, 2024)

E410 William Baldwin, activist and actor, and Dr. Robert Marbut, who has worked on issues of homelessness for more than three decades, have spent the last year visiting homeless encampments, shelters, and outreach programs across America. They’re part of a huge humanitarian campaign that includes the documentary “Americans With No Address,” narrated by William, a feature film, “No Address,” starring William and an ensemble cast, a book based on the film, and an interactive study guide to accompany it all that educates and provides structure for approaches to engage and serve individuals who are experiencing homelessness. (June 6, 2024)

E411 Bonnie Thies is an author and Robin L. Flanigan is an author/journalist. They climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. They also wrote a book together called “Climbing Out: An Adventure in Rediscovering Life After Loss.” It’s the true story about 3x cancer survivor Bonnie, after the sudden death of her husband, and her decision to summit Africa’s tallest mountain. Robin is also the author of the celebrated book “M is for Mindful,” and “100 Things to Do in Rochester Before You Die.” (June 13, 2024)

E412 Heather Blumberg is an interior designer and renovator. She and her family discovered ghostly inhabitants after they moved into an abandoned 150-year-old Gothic-style funeral home (check the 15:30 and 25:14 min mark for possible EVPs on this episode). The Blumbergs are the stars of the discovery+ show “We Bought a Funeral Home,” and the hauntings are the subject of a new book, “A Grave Undertaking,” coming out this autumn from author Richard Estep. Turn a light on and get ready for A Haunting in Ontario! (June 20, 2024)

E413 Wylie McGraw’s story is a ride through professional baseball, competitive bull riding, and three tours of service as a US Army Combat Veteran. He’s also the host of the Wise Words and Whiskey podcast. We talk about expectations and confrontation, making one’s own path, stress addiction, what it’s like to be in the chaos of war, and more! (June 27, 2024)

E414 Dima Barch was born in Russia. He was a film critic and culture and society journalist there, but was forced to flee. An award-winning writer-director with his films Dead End and The Power of the Strike, his stories shine a light on complex trauma, toxic masculinity, and sexuality. We met at the Portland Horror Festival and he’s such a talent. (July 4, 2024)

E415 Georges Tomb is an award-winning composer and concert pianist. A child prodigy from Lebanon, he was raised in a deeply musical and artistic family, setting the stage for his meteoric rise to international stardom. He’s also using his talents for a deep purpose and has gifted various compositions to philanthropic causes worldwide. (July 11, 2024)

E416 Shannon Walker is world-class dog trainer and the founder of Man’s Best Friend, Top Dog Academy, and Northwest Battle Buddies, a nonprofit that helps train and provide service dogs to veterans experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and military sexual trauma. Shannon is also the Executive Director of the Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans. Experienced in dog psychology, pack order, and dog instinct, she has helped thousands of people and dogs. (July 18, 2024)

E417 Richard Estep’s curiosity about the paranormal was sparked by a haunting at his grandparents, but he didn’t begin to investigate such happenings until years later. You may have seen Richard on shows like TV’s Haunted Case Files, or Paranormal 911, among others. He’s an author of over 30 books ranging from stories of killers to hauntings, to fraudsters and historical figures. His book, “A Grave Undertaking,” comes out August 2024. He’s also a paramedic, a retired firefighter and veteran! (July 25, 2024)

E418 Rick French is the co-founder of Pack Paddle Ski Adventures, facilitating adventures to over 30 countries on all 7 continents with people from all over the world. He’s also on the board for Journeys of Solutions, “enabling travelers to assist people and communities in the developing countries they have encountered on their trips with the goal to improve quality of life with infrastructure improvements, access to clean water, support for educational institutions, scholarships and training.” We discuss some of his memorable trips, including; meeting the Dalai Lama, dealing with a client’s broken leg at nearly 19,000 feet, elephants, a plane crash, a Sultan, and more! (August 1, 2024)

E419 Pete Best is perhaps most famously known as the original Beatles drummer, but he’s so much more. He’s the co-proprietor of both the Liverpool Beatles Museum (the brainchild of his brother Roag) and the Casbah Coffee Club Suites (in the historic and “holy grail” place in Hayman’s Green where the Beatles were born). In 1988, he founded The Pete Best Band and continues to tour today. He’s a songwriter, promoter, manager, author and family man. We talked about his beloved mother Mona Best, Liverpool post WWII, his time with the Beatles, ghosts, tenacity and so much more. (August 8, 2024)

E420 Ellie Kahn is a multi-hyphenate human. She’s a psychotherapist, producer, journalist, and historian. More specifically an oral historian, a collector of humanity’s triumphs and sorrows. She’s the founder of Living Legacies productions and helps create meaningful books for people and their families to preserve their history for generations to come. (August 15, 2024)

E421 Nicholas Seedsman is a veteran of the Australian Special Forces (SASR) and three tours of combat duty. His experience with the intense training required to be one of the most elite soldiers in the world set the bar of what a human is capable of enduring. He devoted every ounce of his being and it nearly cost him his life. After leaving the military, Nick was significantly disabled, and through extraordinary and costly stem cell treatments, found a better quality of life and healing. Nick states his life changed dramatically with this treatment, from “operating at a 2-4% of life with only 2-3 months left to live,” to a dramatic up swing of 70%. Nick says he’s now capable a a full, active life again. He’s the founder of Warrior Refit, a foundation that advocates for and raises monies in support of stem cell treatment for full-spectrum regenerative intervention to improve the quality of life for veterans, body and soul. (August 22, 2024)

E422 Bob Bledsoe breeds and raises pythons (mostly ball pythons) and is the founder of Green Room Pythons, educating us on all things python, while helping to dispel fears and myths around these gentle and interesting tube socks. He’s a musician, comic and actor, and you’ve likely seen him in film, or on one of your favorite shows, like Parks and Rec, Lie to Me, Hannah Montana, and Jay Leno. He’s also been my dear friend for twenty years. (August 29, 2024)

E423 You’d be hard pressed to have not seen a film or television show with Ed Begley, Jr. featured somewhere over the last several decades. His career crosses genre, and format. Most people would be contented to have that success be their only focus, but Ed began his passion for environmental activism early on and never wavered. He’s also a civil and human rights activist. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s nearly a decade ago, is still going strong. He’s currently in the film, Strange Darling, and his new Memoir, “To The Temple of Tranquility and Step On It,” is a wild, poignant, and fascinating ride through his life. On top of all of this, he’s one of the most beloved humans on the planet, radiating kindness wherever he goes. (September 5, 2024)

E424 Vex Bennett is neurodivergent on the Autism spectrum with OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) and is a host of a system of alters. Vex is also a Therian (Therians identify as a non-human animal or animals while knowing they are human, relating spiritually, psychologically, and/or emotionally to the essence and behaviors of the animal). Therians are not Furries. We chat about coping mechanisms, identity, trauma, connection, and more! (September 12, 2024)

E425 Alaric Rocha’s film, “Love, Blood & Aztec Demons: The Lost Films of Juan Moctezuma II,” has been his ten-year labor of love and quest to explore and restore the lost films of a legendary Mexican filmmaker whose complicated life and obsessions cost him everything. Alaric is also an instructor at the Los Angeles Film School, where I recently saw a screening of the film. It’s fantastic. It’s got love-triangles, Lucha libre matches, mayhem, and so much more. It’s like no documentary I’ve every seen, that’s for sure! (September 19, 2024)